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Wearing a mask on the street is mandatory starting today in Madeira

The mandatory use of a mask in all public spaces in Madeira came into force at 00:00 today, coinciding with the beginning of the extension of the calamity situation in the archipelago, until August 31.

The measure was announced by the Regional Government, of PSD / CDS-PP coalition, on Tuesday and caused controversy, especially with regard to legal support and proportionality in view of the epidemiological situation in the region, with only nine cases of covid-19 total of 106 registered.

The executive puts, however, the focus on prevention and defense of public health, justifying the resolution with the danger of contagion resulting from the expected entry of 150 thousand tourists in the next two months and the resumption of classes in September, which moves about 43 thousand students and six thousand teachers.

“The Government’s obligation is to give absolute priority to safeguarding the health and life of Madeirans. This is our commitment. These are the top values,” said Miguel Albuquerque, on Friday, reinforcing: “Then, the question of legality , then you see yourself. “

The mandatory use of a mask in “all kinds of public spaces” is not, however, consensual, with the direction of the Commercial and Industrial Association of Funchal (ACIF) considering that the resolution was communicated in a “disastrous” way and caused superior tourist losses to 100 thousand euros in cancellation of reservations.

On the other hand, the leader of the PS / Madeira, the largest regional opposition party, Paulo Cafôfo, said that the extension of the calamity and the mandatory use of masks are “negative for tourism”, as they transmit an “image of insecurity “of this destiny.

Former Regional Government President Alberto João Jardim used the social network ‘Twitter’ to affirm that the region “cannot legislate” in terms of individual rights, freedoms and guarantees, “much less by executive resolution”.

And he reinforced: “Any identified agent who violates such freedoms risks criminal proceedings.”

However, on the portal ‘Petição Pública’ there is a petition “against the mandatory use of a mask on the street”, which already has more than 5,000 signatures.

The government resolution provides for several exceptions, such as “sports practice”, “physical activity and / or leisure that involves physical effort” and “recreational-sports activities in forest areas and recommended walking routes”, as well as in “beaches, bathing areas and complexes and access to the sea, with the exception of sanitary facilities”.

Children up to 10 years old and people with disabilities (with difficulty putting on / taking off the mask without assistance) do not have to wear a mask in public spaces.

The regional command of the Public Security Police (PSP) indicated, in a statement, issued on Friday, that “it will not fail to act” under criminal law, in “situations of disobedience or resistance to legitimate orders” determined by its agents .

The objective is “to guarantee compliance with this and other legal obligations related to the covid-19 epidemiological situation”.

The PSP stresses that the action will focus, in particular, on groups of people who, not belonging to the same household, are on the public road without a mask or visor.

The police authority points out, however, that he has privileged “pedagogical and sensitizing action” in the context of the pandemic crisis and that he will apply the same model in the fulfillment of this “new obligation”.

Madeira maintains a total of 106 cases of covid-19, with 97 recovered and only nine active, according to data released on Friday by the Institute of Health Administration (IASAÚDE).

The first case of infection by the new coronavirus in the archipelago was signaled on March 16.

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