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Wearing a mask compulsory on markets, events and gatherings outside Montluçon from Monday August 17

“To come together, we are better masked than confined! “. It is with these words that the town hall of Montluçon began its press release dated Friday August 14, 2020. Which announces that “the city has taken a municipal decree in order to impose from Monday August 17 wearing a mask on markets, events and all outdoor gatherings. All places where physical distancing cannot be easily and safely implemented. “

A decree that concerns both flea markets and concerts and festive events held outdoors, like the french song festival which begins on Friday August 21.

Mask required outside: the municipalities concerned in Auvergne and Limousin


The municipality also invites its citizens to “rigorously respect this health measure with the objective of protect the population “. The same goes for barrier gestures: “Use of hydroalcoholic gel, social distancing”. All in order to “maximize our chances ofstop this epidemic ”.

The mayor’s explanations

“There is no particular problem in Montluçon. The idea is to strengthen protective measures in view of vacation returns », Assures Frédéric Laporte, mayor (LR) of the city. The councilor specifies, moreover, that the town hall does not envisage, for the moment, to make the wearing of the mask obligatory everywhere in the city.

Overall, these measures [le port du masque dans les rues] have been set up in large metropolises or very touristy towns. At this point, it is not being considered. But that does not mean that we could not achieve this, for example by reinforcing the wearing of masks in areas where the population density is high.

Frédéric Laporte, mayor (LR) of Montluçon

Frédéric Laporte, mayor (LR) of Montluçon.

Luc Barre & Sid Benahmed

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