People have very different ideas about when someone is rich. What about you? Enter your values and compare yourself with others.
August 27, 2024, 10:12 am
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According to current data from the European Central Bank, a household in Germany with assets of 110,022.39 euros is right in the middle of the population. Wealth is defined as a monthly net salary of 8,000 euros, above which, according to a philosopher, it becomes immoral not to use one’s money for good causes. Research shows that more wealth can make you happier, and the poorest 20 percent in particular are often unhappy. Assets are more important than income, with the richest ten percent having more than 725,900 euros. Pension assets also play an important role in wealth creation and balance out inequality.
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Does your household happen to have assets of 110,022.39 euros? Then you are exactly half of the population in Germany, as current data from the European Central Bank show. One half of the households have more, the other half have less.
Whether you are considered rich with such wealth is another question. When does wealth begin for you? Enter your value and find out whether you have similar or different ideas about wealth than the rest of ZEIT ONLINE readers.