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“Weakness is ignored by most asymptomatic coronavirus patients” – Rambler / doctor

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According to the latest data, about a third of people with coronavirus are asymptomatic. What signs should one pay attention to if there is a suspicion of an infection? Therapist, candidate of medical sciences Andrei Kondrakhin told the MIR 24 TV channel.

– Many of your colleagues are inclined to believe that there is no covid without symptoms at all. What signs should be on your guard?

Andrey Kondrakhin: Patients with coronavirus began to contact me more often. The main symptom that occurs in people who tolerate it more calmly and more easily is severe weakness. Severe weakness now occurs in almost everyone – everyone works a lot, gets little sleep, and we don’t eat very well. Of course, the symptom of weakness is ignored by most people.

But this is weakness in the whole body, a feeling of complete immobility, a feeling that you do not want to move, so that they would be left alone. Second, muscle pains begin to appear. These can be arms, legs, often the lower back. Backache – who pays attention to that? Somewhere I pulled, somewhere I didn’t sit well … This is also one of the symptoms of a new infection. Feeling like ARVI.-

– Doctors say that the main symptom is a complete loss of smell and sense of taste. If a person began to smell differently – is this a sign?

Andrey Kondrakhin: People who sought advice and developed a coronavirus infection already had indicators according to laboratory data, at first they said that the taste of the products was different, a slight nasal congestion, but all odors were not lost. They say there was something similar. Sometimes it goes away calmly, the feeling of an unpleasant aftertaste in familiar products, then it all goes away.

– Is dry eyes, redness a sign?

Andrey Kondrakhin: Conjunctivitis is not a symptom. But there is a strong double vision. Many patients say that they have stopped focusing, the feeling that they have myopia: it is difficult to type SMS, watch newspapers, mail. As if a person had in one day the eye has aged sharply… There is such a fact. In this case, eye redness or lacrimation is not observed.-

– Is an upset stomach also a symptom?

Andrey Kondrakhin: Sometimes at the onset of the disease there is not a pulmonary form, but an intestinal one. People complain of weakness, and then diarrhea begins for 5-6 days, abdominal pain, burning sensation, and then everything ends. At the same time, there are no changes in the lungs, changes in smell, taste. Nobody pays attention to this – who does not have these phenomena? Recent data have shown that the virus can remain in the intestines for about five weeks. The fecal-oral route of transmission turns out to be very dangerous for others, the hands must be processed.

– We are used to carrying a slight cold on our feet. There are cases when a mild fever lasts for several days, and then a sharp rise and already damage to the lungs.

Andrey Kondrakhin: Low temperatures, which people do not pay attention to, which appear in the evening, pass on their own and do not disturb the person. Temperature 37 still fits into physiological norms, and 37.2 does not fit. 37.1 can still be put down – I worked a lot, moved a lot, there were a lot of emotions. An alarming sign is when the temperature is already 37.2-37.3 in the morning. This suggests that the body requires attention.

People who get CT scans are people who get into the gray area. They were already contagious, they are already sick, but their pneumonia develops asymptomatically – this is the danger of the disease. When they get on CT, we already see changes in the lungs, which means that the person has been sick for 5-7 days, but there were no symptoms.

Morphological changes in the lungs require a certain adjustment of the body, there must be a reaction. Many people ignore such symptoms and continue to heal on their own. In this case, it is dangerous. The most dangerous misconception is that they pass tests – smear and antibodies, calm down. But antibodies are not produced immediately, this is a mistake. Many calm down, start going to work, enduring it on their feet, then unpleasant consequences are obtained.

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