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We wondered what SEMSAMAR was doing for Saint-Martin, confirmed in his position the CEO can now answer …

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It was during a press conference as SEMSAMAR knows how to organize that Yawo Nyuaidzi, CEO confirmed in his functions during the last Territorial Council, accompanied by Dr. Pierre Sainte-Luce presented what is no longer a project: the construction of a post-treatment and rehabilitation clinic in Saint-Martin, the SSR WATAKI.

It will be noted that for the occasion, President Gibbs as well as Territorial Councilors Sophia Carti and Marie Domique Ramphort, both administrators of SEMSAMAR, had made the trip.

Investors, the Manioukani group in Martinique, of which Dr Saint-Luce is managing director, have solid experience in the field through several establishments in the medical sector, geriatrics, hotels and heritage buildings.

Yawo Nyuiadzi, President and CEO of SEMSAMAR and 2nd Vice President of the Collectivity: “When you have good investors like the Manioukani Group who are interested in Saint-Martin (…) You have to pamper them!”

But what is SEMSAMAR doing on this issue?

First, SEMSAMAR sells the land necessary for the development of the operation. The sale was completed yesterday. The land sold is the one located in Concordia between the Louis Constant Fleming Hospital and the Residence Papillon.

Ensuite, SEMSAMAR will assume for the Manioukani Group the Delegated Project Management Assistance.

A financially interesting operation when it comes to building up some cash.

The calendar

First of all, the Manioukani Group is already present for a few months in Saint-Martin via a small rehabilitation structure in day care developed at Concordia.

3 re-educators and 1 doctor, all housed in SEMSAMAR residences, officiate in this first structure.

The second phase of the project therefore consists of construction of the clinic which could begin in the 3rd quarter of 2020, after the hurricane season for an expected delivery to 3rd quarter 2022… by pushing the pace a little, we could almost hope for an inauguration before the elections!


The investment is estimated between 12 and 15 million euros to which must be added approximately 4 to 5 million euros per year earmarked for suppliers for the proper functioning of the clinic.

100 direct and indirect jobs should be created within the framework of this SSR WATAKI clinic representing a payroll of around € 3M.

Chantal Thibaud was approached by investors in particular to facilitate local recruitments and training needs with the employment center.

Benefits and prospects …

The benefits of such an establishment in Saint-Martin are obvious since they will allow avoid long family separations when a member needs often long rehabilitation care.

The clinic also wants to open its doors to nationals of Saint Maarten, Anguilla and Saba via recourse to private insurance for support.

In terms of prospects, the plot acquired is large enough that we can eventually dream of there. see other medical or medico-social establishments develop, but for the moment it is not a question of skipping the steps, rehabilitation, it is often one step after another.

For the anecdote, Dr Pierre Saint-Luce pointed to the fact that the rooms in the establishment were particularly spacious and that some, even larger, were even intended for VIPs, arguing in passing that the youth of President Gibbs would keep it. certainly still a long time away from the services of the clinic … President Gibbs’ response on the subject is particularly enlightening: I’m aging fast right now. ”

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