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“We will grow more than France and Germany. Ready for even heavier interventions »- Corriere.it

What is needed, now more than ever, is social and political cohesion. The uncertainty, with the polls at the gates, can be mitigated if Italy’s international credibility remains so in the face of what defines clouds on the horizon. Mario Draghi, at the press conference at the end of the last council of ministers before the summer break, it is no secret that autumn will bring with it a series of challenges to make your wrists tremble: Increase in the price of gas, energy crisis, the high cost of living dragged by this rate of inflation, difficulties in procuring materials, geopolitical uncertainty, which the crisis in Taiwan it risks exacerbating because it does not help the ceasefire projects in Ukraine, given that the hopes of negotiations with Moscow were pinned on China.

Because of the legacy he leaves to those who follow him to Palazzo Chigi, it makes him thinkthat the forecasts for the third quarter are not so pessimistic albeit in a context of great difficulty for businesses and families that this 17 billion euro decree intends to alleviate. The scope of the interventions – on electricity bills, on the tax wedge and on the revaluation of pensions – assumes extraordinary connotations dictated by the urgency that the high cost of living determines on savings and productive activities. The constitutional dictate is respected albeit in the particularity of an executive in current affairs.

The premier does not enter the electoral dispute. Indeed it keeps well away. Grandfather rest, replies to those who would like to test his availability as a man at the service of institutions where a clear majority does not emerge from the polls. And to dispel any further doubts he says: Today at the end of the CDM I made my best wishes for a happy holiday to those who do not have the electoral campaign and my best wishes to all those who have to do it, that wishes and dreams may occur, I am very close to them. Some political forces are invoking to the Draghi diary. The equation sounds immediate, for Draghi it confines it to the international credibility that Italy has and that it must continue to have. He has no doubts that any government will respect the commitments made in Europe with the PNRR because some countries have agreed to tax their citizens to ensure Italy has the resources.

The schedule of funds allocated by Brussels is stringent. Like the reforms, which can no longer be postponed on taxation and competition, which the next executive will have to follow in order not to squander a growth that has not been seen for twenty years, better than France and Germany. Of the 3.4% acquired for 2022 when Confindustria forecasts attested it to 1%, up from 6.6% last year. If the merit is also due to the economic policy of this government and the ministerial structure of the Treasury that has worked without sparing itself. A praise to the holder of the department, Daniele Franco, who sits next to him. This is a decree that takes place without budget variances because the dynamics of tax revenues, also due to the effect of inflation at the highest levels, are greater than expected in order to re-distribute resources quickly. A decree shared with the social partners, Draghi points out, highlighting the criticisms of some unions that could ultimately have influenced the intervention on the tax wedge more generous than how he entered the Council of Ministers. The energy companies end up on the dock again this time. The proceeds of the first installment of the extra-profits far below expectations. The 25% tax rate on excess profits has so far not led to the expected revenue. Disputes between the state and society are just around the corner. Draghi, however, finds it intolerable that families and businesses are in great difficulty while there is a sector that evades the provisions. He says he is ready for other interventions, even heavier ones, which may be necessary until the arrival of the new government.

Will that transpires, clear, even from Ita Airways affair: I do not intend to leave the dossier to the next government, on the contrary the decision will arrive in a very short time, within ten days, it outlines the road map of the privatization process of the company. International credibility is the legacy he cares about the most. In the decree, he is keen to remark, there is the will to attract investments from abroad, in high-tech sectors, such as semiconductors from which Europe (and the whole world) suffer from a heavy lack. The reference, not even veiled, to the announcement by Intel that it intends to open factories. Because they bring employment, the rate of which has risen over 60% to the highest since 1977, the premier signals that, however, he does not hide, only a part for an indefinite period. The closure on migratory pressure, fueled by the instability dictated by the shortage of wheat: We got the unlocking of the first ships, but we cannot yet rule out the humanitarian crisis.

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