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“We will call things by their real names”: Lavrov at the UN put the West in its place and explained the goals of the special operation –

/ world today news/ Lavrov said that Kiev cannot represent the interests of the residents of Donbas, who did not recognize the coup in Ukraine

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov‘s trip to New York for a meeting of the United Nations Security Council, where Russia presides throughout April, was marred by yet another visa adventure by the United States. Washington agreed to issue visas to only a limited number of delegates and denied entry papers to everyone requests of Russian journalists.

KP.RU listened carefully to Sergey Lavrov’s opening remarks at the meeting on an effective multilateral approach by defending the principles of the organization’s charter and presents key quotes from this speech.

To limit the development of multilateralism in the world

Now the UN-centered system is going through a deep crisis, the main reason being the desire of individual members of our organization to replace international law and the UN Charter with some rules-based order. No one has seen these rules, they were not subject to transparent international negotiations, they were invented and applied to counteract the natural processes of formation of new independent centers of development, which are an objective manifestation of multilateralism. They seek to be contained through illegitimate unilateral measures, including cutting off access to advanced technology and financial services, pushing them out of supply chains, confiscating property, destroying critical infrastructure of competitors, and manipulating universal norms and procedures.

For the Western minority

Let’s call a spade a spade: no one has allowed a Western minority to speak for all of humanity. We must behave decently and respect all members of the international community. Imposing a rules-based order, its authors arrogantly reject the main principle of the UN Charter – the sovereign equality of states. The quintessence of the exceptionalism complex was the proud statement of EU diplomacy chief Borrell that Europe is a garden of paradise and the rest of the world is a jungle.

On Western pressure on Latin America

The collective West set out to reshape the processes of multilateralism at the regional level. Not so long ago, the United States called for the revival of the Monroe Doctrine, demanded that Latin American countries limit their ties with Russia and China. This line ran into the determination of the countries of the region to strengthen their own multilateral structures, above all the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States, defending their legitimate right to establish themselves as one of the pillars of the multipolar world.

On the Ukrainian issue

Today it is clear to everyone, although not everyone says it out loud, that this is not about Ukraine at all, but about how international relations will continue to be built through the formation of a stable consensus based on balance and interests, or through aggressive and explosive promotion of hegemony. The Ukrainian question cannot be considered in isolation from the geopolitical context. Multilateralism implies respect for the UN Charter in all its interconnectedness of principles.

It is obvious to any impartial observer that the Nazi regime in Kiev cannot in any way be considered representative of the inhabitants of the territories who refused to accept the results of the bloody coup d’état in February 2014 and against whom the putschists unleashed a war for it. , kaza Lavrov.

For the purposes of SVO

Russia has clearly explained the tasks it pursues within the framework of the special military operation: to eliminate the threats created by NATO for years to our security, directly at our borders and to protect people who are deprived of their rights proclaimed by multilateral conventions, to protect them from direct threats of extermination and expulsion from the territory publicly declared by the Kyiv regime where their ancestors have lived for centuries. We have honestly said what and for whom we are fighting.

About the pseudo-democracy of the West

Everyone knows that the West, imposing its understanding of democracy on others, does not want a democratization of international relations based on respect for the sovereign equality of states. But now, while pushing his rules in the international arena, he is also stifling multilateralism and democracy at home, using increasingly repressive tools to suppress any dissent, as the criminal regime in Kiev does with the support of its masters, the United States and its allies. .

Appeal to the world media

I am addressing all the journalists who are now covering our meeting. Your colleagues from the Russian media were not allowed here. The American Embassy in Moscow mockingly announced its readiness to issue them passports with visas the moment our plane took off. Therefore, a huge request to you to compensate for the absence of the Russian media and in your reports to convey to the world audience all the versatility of judgments and evaluations.

Translation: EU

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