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“We were taken for fools”

The case was nipped in the bud, but the diplomatic incident could not be avoided. When Clémence Pouget, in charge of strategy at Portes-de-France Thionville, unveiled the access prices to the P + R in Metzange, last January, some thought they were suffocating. From 10 € to 40 € per month depending on the place of residence. Understand: € 10 for residents of the agglomeration, and € 40 for “outsiders”. This difference can be explained first of all by the operating cost (€ 200,000 per year), borne alone by Portes-de-France.

Unthinkable for some users, who were quick to express their anger on social networks. Which denounce the exorbitant cost of the subscription and the unequal treatment between frontier workers.

To extinguish the fire, Pierre Cuny announced a few days later that negotiations had started with the urban community of Val de Fensch and its president Michel Liebgott. Which ultimately accepts the proposal made to him: in exchange for a participation of 30 € / month / user, i.e. the price difference between the initial amount of 40 € and the standardized amount of 10 €, the inhabitants of the Fensch Valley will also benefit from a preferential rate.

” In catimini “

Thursday, the community council validated this convention, not without bitterness. “We were taken for fools, breathes Michel Liebgott. Since 2018, this possibility has not been mentioned at any time. They should have offered us to participate from the start. Today we are up against the wall. ”

A feeling widely shared in the ranks of advisers. “It was all done on the sly. We have the feeling of being taken hostage. We are responsible, therefore we will help our citizens. But then why not make external users pay for our car parks as well? Because we are united, ”says Alexandre Holsenburger (Florange). “We suffer, confirms Jean-François Medves (Uckange). The solution ? That we eventually reach free, with Portes-de-France. For that, it will be necessary to find other recipes.

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