Home » today » World » We want to be an integrated family again: Silverio Morales – 2024-05-09 12:51:33

We want to be an integrated family again: Silverio Morales – 2024-05-09 12:51:33

Alma Vilches

Human rights organizations accompanied relatives of Levi Morales, son of indigenous leader Silverio Morales, since more than 12 days have passed since Penal Centers and the National Civil Police (PNC) have not complied with the judicial order issued by the Court, at the request of the Attorney General’s Office of the Republic of El Salvador (FGR) so that the young man can continue the process in freedom. “Unfortunately with this situation we have been separated from our son, we have gone through very difficult times since the FGR has taken it as a matter of fact that my son has no crime and has given him alternative measures, we ask that the Penal Centers release him, we want to be an integrated family and we are waiting for him, the call is for him to be released as soon as possible,” said indigenous leader Silverio Morales.

The young indigenous man from Nahuizalco, department of Sonsonate, was unjustly captured on November 11, 2022 under the Exception Regime, after 17 months in detention, the FGR requested alternative measures to detention on two occasions in the process carried out by the First Court Against Organized Crime of Santa Ana, so that the trial can continue in freedom.

“I am the mother of Levi Morales, captured while carrying out agricultural activities, I ask that you can interpose your good offices and thus be able to reunite with my son,” said Vilma Elena Ramírez de Morales, when presenting at the Office of the Attorney General for the Defense of Human Rights ( PDDH) a document requesting the intervention of the instance.

On April 18, the Court informed the Foundation for Studies for the Application of Law (FESPAD), that on April 12, 2024, it granted, for the second time, alternative measures to provisional detention for Levi Morales, accused of the crime of illicit associations and captured while he was engaged in agricultural work around his community. These measures were requested by the FGR after they did so on two occasions as a technical defense.

Ariela González, FESPAD lawyer, explained that the brief presented to the head of the PDDH, Raquel Caballero de Guevara, is with the purpose of making her aware of the situation of Levi Morales, who remains imprisoned despite enjoying alternative measures to provisional detention. The young man has enjoyed this benefit on two occasions, he does not have an accusing entity to support the fact that he continues to remain in prison, however, the order to continue the process in freedom has not been effective by the authorities.

“A couple of days ago we received a notification that he was going to enjoy these measures and should be immediately released. On April 29, we went to the Izalco penal center, where Levi is supposedly being held in prison and to enforce the release order issued. by the Court, but no further response was given,” indicated the FESPAD lawyer.

On both occasions the aforementioned Court has issued the resolution, replacing the measures and ordering the release of Levi, however, the General Directorate of Penal Centers has refused to release him, not obeying the authority of the country’s judges. Just like Levi’s case, there are many more, where those unjustly detained already have a letter of freedom, but continue to remain in prison.

#integrated #family #Silverio #Morales

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