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“We thought that with BHL we had hit rock bottom, alas no worse

At the microphone of Isabelle Morizet, the philosopher Michel Onfray estimated Sunday that the social network Twitter did not allow to philosophize. He thus attacked his colleague Bernard Henri-Lévy, very present on the platform. INTERVIEW

The philosopher Michel Onfray, who has just released his new essay Resistance to nihilism, published by Grasset, explained Sunday in There is not only one life in life on Europe 1 why, according to him, it is not possible to philosophize on Twitter.

“The people who are very present on Twitter do not make books. Their work is their Twitter account”, points out Michel Onfray, who left the social network in 2015. According to the polemicist, this platform is not not suited to philosophy. “Their thoughts are invective in 140 signs: it is not a thought,” he said.

“We exist first when we write books”

Michel Onfray takes as an example the philosopher Bernard-Henri Lévy, who tweets daily. “We thought that with BHL we had hit bottom unfortunately not, there is worse than BHL”, says Michel Onfray. The latter says, on the contrary, prefer “to avoid speaking on all subjects in 140 characters thinking that it will make me a philosopher”, he adds. “It can produce some media buzz. It may seem like we exist, but we exist first when we write books.”

At the same time, Michel Onfray believes that social networks are nevertheless useful for democracy. “They make alternative speech possible. The dominant ideological speech of the media is no longer dominant today,” says the philosopher.

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