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We tell you what muscle pain means during, and after, exercise

During the months of isolation due to quarantineThousands of people took on the task of doing exercise from home, through your own routines or via videos by internet. However, the results are not always satisfactory since the pain is present and with it the arrival of the injuries.

Injury while carrying on a routine of exercises it is more likely if you do not have an instructor or if you make mistakes when practicing it. Also changing routines can cause the pain appear.

He pain appears when our muscles they are not used to movement, so when changing the routine of exercises It is common to feel pain in a part of the body where there was no discomfort before. It should also be clear that feeling pain during exercise does not always mean that training is working.

Why does pain appear?

Discomfort or feeling pain It has to do with the brain and the repetition of certain movements; the fact that our muscles move in a different way, by stretching and contracting, sends signals to our brain.

He Body begins to feel pain the next day, usually because after a routine the brain begins to have difficulty receiving and processing the signals that come from our muscles.

Generally, when our Body hurts means that some muscle you are experiencing inflammation, can also that pain be related to an injury.

How to avoid injury

The best way to avoid a injury when exercising is stretching for at least 5 minutes before starting a routine, as well as 10 minutes after completing it. Another option is to start the training daily with a low impact routine.

These exercises they are much more sensitive and include movements that help prevent damage or injury to the joints.

By Digital Writing El Heraldo de México


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