represents a danger to yourlife. it is unknown if it was thehe brought a stray bullet.ready to guaranteecelebration securitytonight for new year’s evenew in the ionic plazawhere the mayor says goodbyebill de blasio was going to takepossession of his office his successoreric adams. to explain howprepare the assistants toevent and what to wearand what not, we are withviolet that is live. there aremany people get tired thatsit down, can you do it?violet: very good days,Alexander. I answer thatask forwards next toall requirements. I tell youthat at this time of the morningis ready to receive thenew year, look at the stageeverything is calm at this timein the morning, a lot of presencepolice is what we canobserve. the grandmother will descendaround midnight when15,000 people approximatelyThey are here witnessingthis new 2022 and that is whyhealth reasons some reboundin covid 19, 21,000 peoplein the last 7 yearssick from it. I just knowhas these 15,000people is important toavoid any terrorist attack,also for a fact ofviolence. we talk to theNew York cop that wecount everything you oweto know if you want to come here andbe part of the event.>> we are going to have thousands ofuniformed officers here andalso officers who give clothescivil, our unit ofintelligence is monitoringeverything that is happening, noonly here in new york,in all parts of the world, 14detectives assigned todifferent parts of the world andwe are always monitoring,there is no credible threat againstthe city.violet: if you want to comehere at the feet, is this whatfully vaccinated,present a pcr test, noa quick but rather aat least 48 hours before,wear masks, thevoracious entrances of the eighth,the transit is alsorecommends using thepublic transportation, I don’t knowallows the entry of alcohol,no reclining chairs,come as simple as possibleto facilitate the work ofthe authorities and allpeople who come to enjoytoday. the cops havesaid that all his agents