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We tell you how Biden’s infrastructure plan can impact New York and New Jersey | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

positive cases.reported that 13 childrenhospitalized for coronavirusin state hospitals, twoof them are in careintensive.adriana: on other topics,discusses in the senate arevolutionary project thatlook for the remodeling of thelevel infrastructurein new york it included theroad remodeling,bridges, among others.from the laguardia airport,íctor javier solano usexplains this initiative.victor: as you say,good afternoon to you andfor all. plan ofgovernment infrastructurebiden or called planAmerican jobs involvethe update and themodernization of variousnetworks. we are talking aboutbridges, single,airports and housingsocial interest, also treatswater treatment for thehuman consumption.the figure is 3.5 millionmillions of dollars, stillis in the middle of an intensefederal negotiation.surely, with the support ofRepublicans passwith some changes.What does this plan represent fornew york, new jersey ourHispanic community?the government’s promise bidenIt is the expansion and modernizationof the subway, in corridors thatthey connect brooklyn with haarlem.also the modernization ofThe airports.would guarantee the remodeling tothe one who is being subjectedfor a couple of years. theLeader Chuck Schumer Againyork was talking about theremodeling of a junction of theof ío hudson.in our edition of theelected by our area, thereas experts on issues ofinfrastructure, so that weexplain in an ace waydetailed what it represents

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