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“We spent long sleepless nights together”: Panin revealed all the details of relations with a famous presenter

The scandalous Alexei Panin seems to have cut off warm relations with all Russian friends. This time the actor had a loud scandal with Oscar Kuchera.

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The bold statements about Russia, Ukraine and the political situation in the world, which Panin regularly publishes on his personal social media accounts, deeply outraged many of his former colleagues. The night before, Oskar Kuchera suddenly couldn’t stand it. Previously, he stood up for the actor, but then did not hold back in expressions.

“Here is another whistled monkey …. You, Leshik, have never been an artist. There is no more talent in you than in a fish nail bladder. <...>You’ve always been stupid and therefore arrogant towards the bands you’ve worked with. The work of the FSE, but the stupidity has not disappeared (the author’s spelling and punctuation are preserved. – Approx. ed.),” Kuchera wrote in his personal Telegram channel.

The night passed and Panin did not hesitate to answer. In response, Alexei recorded a video message to subscribers, in which he revealed interesting details from the life of a famous presenter. The star of the picture “Zhmurki” said that she did not expect such a spit in the back from a person whom she once considered close.

“The main thing is that Oskar Kuchera crawled out somewhere … The person with whom we were once friends spent long sleepless nights together … Well, not only the two of us, some of our famous comrades were with us. There were a lot of drugs, alcohol, a lot of everything was … “, – as Panin said in spirit.

The actor added that he has never attacked Oscar in his interviews and said “nothing vile” about him. Panin also said that Kuchera apparently missed something from his biography. To say that a person who once had a go at Oleg Tabakov and received praise from him is not talented at least stupid.

“I don’t care what Oscar Kuchera says. I don’t give a damn about Oscar Kuchera’s opinion,” Panin said.

Recall that at the moment the famous actor is having a hard time. A few years ago he emigrated to Spain in search of freedom, but now he is jobless. His daughter is forced to work as a waitress and Alexei himself at the risk of losing your home.

Source: Telegram

Photo source: Telegram

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