Home » today » Business » We say goodbye to the classic gear lever of BMWs ᐉ News from Fakti.bg – Technology

We say goodbye to the classic gear lever of BMWs ᐉ News from Fakti.bg – Technology

A new gear selector is expected to appear on BMW cars soon. Its functionality will be expanded, and it will be quite different from what we know so far. It will be a retractable joystick.

The innovation will be responsible not only for shifting gears, but also for the parking brake, starting and stopping the engine. The current status of the joystick-controlled systems will be displayed on a small, integrated LCD display.

CarBuzz notes that the new technology can be applied to both electric cars and hybrids, as well as cars with traditional internal combustion engines.

So far, BMW has only patented the new technology, so its application on production cars is still in question, and the introduction of the new joystick can take from a year to several years.

In the arsenal of the company’s patented systems there is already a non-standard design of the rear doors. They lift and slide at the same time. The configurations of the mechanisms provide for the presence of hydraulic or electric drive, as well as a “swinging” version of the doors, which will open together with the rear of the roof of the car.

Earlier this year, BMW also received a patent for projectors that replace traditional rear-view mirrors that will project information onto car side windows. For example, they can provide a warning of road accidents.

The German brand also patents a steering wheel that changes its shape when switching from autonomous control to manual control. So far, none of the above systems have been implemented on the brand’s production models, but rumors about the gear lever seem to be the most valid.


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