Home » today » World » We saw this at the base of Silvercorp, the company linked to the Americans captured by the Maduro government.

We saw this at the base of Silvercorp, the company linked to the Americans captured by the Maduro government.

news news--summary news--video-playing" data-post-id="823411" data-video-id="spanish/2020/05/06/silvercorp-maduro-estados-unidos-capturados-empresa-pkg-ana-maria-mejia.cnn">

Posted at 23:14 ET (03:14 GMT) Tuesday, May 5, 2020

On the trail of Silvercorp, a company alluded to by Maduro Playing


news news--summary" data-post-id="823419" data-video-id="spanish/2020/05/06/venezuela-cliver-alcala-operacion-gedeon-juan-carlos-nieto-entrevista-fernando-del-rincon-conclusiones.cnn">

Posted at 23:53 ET (03:53 GMT) Tuesday, May 5, 2020

What did Clíver Alcalá know about Operation Gideon?


news news--summary" data-post-id="823421" data-video-id="spanish/2020/05/06/venezuela-angulo-positivo-operacion-gedeon-juan-carlos-nieto-entrevista-fernando-del-rincon-conclusiones.cnn">

Posted at 23:47 ET (03:47 GMT) Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The positive angle of Operation Gideon


news news--summary" data-post-id="823423" data-video-id="spanish/2020/05/06/venezuela-operacion-gedeon-cliver-alcala-eeuu-colombia-joseph-humire-entrevista-fernando-del-rincon-conclusiones.cnn">

Posted at 23:46 ET (03:46 GMT) Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The role of the USA and Colombia in Operation Gideon


news news--summary" data-post-id="823425" data-video-id="spanish/2020/05/06/venezuela-operacion-gedeon-joseph-humire-entrevista-fernando-del-rincon-conclusiones.cnn">

Posted at 23:43 ET (03:43 GMT) Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Humire believes that a military rebellion was sought with Operation Gideon


news news--summary" data-post-id="823392" data-video-id="spanish/2020/05/06/mercenarios-estadounidenses-golpe-estado-intento-fallido-venezuela-maduro-pkg-seg-gabriela-matute.cnn">

Posted at 10:54 PM ET (02:54 GMT) Tuesday, May 5, 2020

We know this from the alleged Gideon operation in Venezuela


news news--summary" data-post-id="822947" data-video-id="http://welo-25477">

Posted at 11:20 ET (15:20 GMT) Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Donald Trump denies ties of his government with alleged invasion in Venezuela

news news--summary" data-post-id="821757" data-video-id="spanish/2020/05/03/venezuela-invasion-maduro-colombia-osmary-hernandez.cnn">

Posted at 20:17 ET (00:17 GMT) Sunday, May 3, 2020


news news--summary" data-post-id="821046" data-video-id="spanish/2020/05/01/guaido-transicion-en-venezuela-militares-maduro-promo-oppenheimer-sot.cnn">

Posted at 13:44 ET (17:44 GMT) Friday, May 1, 2020

Guaidó: We have put elements for the transition on the table


news news--summary" data-post-id="820508" data-video-id="spanish/2020/05/01/crisis-venezuela-coronavirus-pandemia-oppenheimer-juan-guaido-patricia-ramos-realidades-en-contexto-cnnee.cnn">

Posted at 20:25 ET (00:25 GMT) Thursday, April 30, 2020

Oppenheimer: What happens in Venezuela with the coronavirus?


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