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“We retain around a hundred partners”… new ambitions for the Sporting business club

the essentials Some changes have taken place within the structure of Promoval, Sporting‘s “corporate club”, since the general assembly in June.

At the head of the entity, but who still remains in the composition of the office and of course partner, Christian Mayrand has positioned himself as vice-president of Sporting. The place left vacant, those responsible appointed Jean Marc Delavergne to succeed him. The new governance is full of praise for the former co-president. “We thank Christian for the work accomplished over many years and the time spent to move Promoval forward.”

New names appear in the composition of the office. Pierre Bories, already a partner, joins as a more active member and puts his knowledge in the financial sector at the service of the treasurer and the entity, while Marc Bouyjou will provide assistance with the secretariat and relations with partners. If the office (see box) thus renewed wishes to “maintain the course of the allocation to Sporting at the same level as last year”, it is pleased to “retain around a hundred partners” whom it particularly thanks, “that they are new or for some very old. Without you we would be nothing.

Several operations are being prepared

To thank them in return and allow them several days of meetings, Promoval has planned some events during the season such as the organization of the first and last day of the championship at Camille-Guibert; the evening organized in the middle of the season around renowned personalities (sportsmen, referees, coaches, etc.) often “discovered” by Jean Baptiste Esculié, the Decazeville resident of Canal +; redo the sign at the entrance to the stadium which is becoming obsolete and obsolete and which they hope will be inaugurated at the end of the year; the rental of a marquee for the last day to improve the reception of partners; the improvement of the Promoval space under the marquee after the matches for even greater comfort, giving a more credible image, a fair return to their financial participation, as well as the return of the sponsors’ meal of the day in Cransac, during the matches in Decazeville for a more comfortable, more intimate and rewarding moment for more consideration.

But the business club is also playing the Sporting card and wishes to continue helping the youth center and RBOA, the rugby school “which for us remain the future of the club.” Without forgetting the purchase of jerseys and shorts at the occasional request of the club. A hell of a program that they want to carry out. The co-presidents renew and recall the content of the speech of the first day in which they made “the link between the dynamism of RBOA and its approximately 200 licensees, of a young center rediscovered and in full improvement with in addition the creation of a junior women’s team, results and improved Sporting play. Promoval must question itself and get behind this dynamic.

Le bureau de Promotion 2024 – 2025

Co-presidents: JM Delavergne, J. Lac, D. Degouille. Treasurer: P. Carcasses. Secretary in charge of administrative management: P. Darmedru. Partner management on match days: Mr. Bouyjou. Entertainment – ​​Festivities: C. Lacombe and JM Riols. Relationship with the youth center: JM Riols. Restoration: P. Astor. Relationship with the SCD: C. Mayrand. Members: P. Bories, P. Bourdoncle, C. Garric, M. Laviolette, P. Pinquier.

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