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We recognize the symptoms and treatment of autoimmune diseases


Autoimmune disease begins with a range of mild symptoms, such as fatigue, body aches, low-grade fever, and others. SINDOnews illustrated illustration

PALEMBANG Siloam Hospital Sriwijaya Palembang gave an education on autoimmune disease . The training titled ‘Autoimmune Diseases, Recognizing Symptoms, Causes and Treatments, presented an internal medicine specialist, allergy immunology consultant, Dr. Masdianto Musai.

In his presentation, Dr. Masdianto said that autoimmune disease is an immune system that changes its target and attacks a number of cells in the body by releasing proteins (called autoantibodies). He explained, almost any organ in the human body can be a place for the development of autoimmune diseases. Read also: Appreciation for insurance company partners, Siloam Hospital held training courses on atrial fibrillation

“There are more than 100 types of disorders that can be classified as a set of autoimmune diseases. Some autoimmune diseases affect only one organ. Meanwhile, there are also effects of this autoimmune that can affect the whole body,” said the dr. Masdianto via the Live Instagram application, Siloam Hospitals Sriwijaya, Monday (19/9/2022).

Autoimmune disease, Dr. Masdianto continued, the cause has not been identified with certainty. But clearly recorded as other diseases. Causative factors tend to be caused by genetic factors (heredity), living environment, unhealthy lifestyle, including hormonal changes and infections.

“Tobacco smoking, alcohol consumption, and the presence of obesity and / or other comorbidities are risk factors. Valid data also shows that there are high risk factors in women aged 20-50,” she added. Masdianth. Read also: Study: There is a correlation between vitamin D and autoimmune diseases

Autoimmune diseases also begin with a range of mild symptoms, such as fatigue, body aches, low-grade fever, and others. However, these symptoms are prolonged or over a long period of time.

Dr. Masdianto explained that autoimmune prevention can be accomplished by conducting an “immune risk” test, or genomic examination, identifying a person’s genomic factors with reference to risk factors for autoimmune diseases.

“Medical prevention of autoimmune diseases can be done, but the best prevention is to adopt a healthy lifestyle and exercise regularly and be provided with periodic consultations and checks by identifying the ‘immune risk’ which is recommended to avoid complaints. of autoimmune diseases and their complications, “explained Dr. Masdianto.

Most autoimmune diseases cannot be cured with drugs. However, he continued, if symptoms do arise they can be alleviated and prevented, not worsened or worsened. “The treatment will also cover the disease suffered by the patient”, concluded Dr. Masdianto

Dr. Masdianto continued, autoimmune diseases can be serious complications to diseases or ailments such as damage to the heart, nerves or organs such as liver, kidney, depression, or anxiety disorders.


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