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We need to light a few more fires to encourage the recovery of consumption_China Economic Net——National Economic Portal

The New Year’s Day in 2023 is the first holiday after the adjustment of my country’s new corona epidemic prevention and control policy, and it is also an important window to observe consumer confidence. The data show that tourism, cinema and other industries have taken the lead in the recovery. According to the calculations of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism Data Center, during the New Year holiday, 52.7134 million domestic tourists traveled nationwide, an increase of 0.44% year on year, and tourism revenue domestic revenue was 26.517 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 4.0%. More than 1 million performances were shown in cinemas and more than 12 million people watched the film. The commercial districts of the city are gradually becoming hectic, long queues are forming in front of restaurants and the flow of logistics, people and capital is moving faster.

The share of final consumption expenditure in my country’s GDP has remained above 50% for 11 consecutive years and it is very important that we continue to consolidate this pattern. The Central Economic Work Conference held in December 2022 proposed, “Strive to expand domestic demand. Consumption recovery and expansion must take priority”, further emphasizing the important role of consumption recovery in the continued recovery of the economy Chinese.

To further unleash the potential of social consumption and make consumption more active, a few more fires need to be lit.

In the short term, it is necessary to continue to provide assistance to consumption. Recently, Zhejiang, Chongqing, Henan and other places have issued consumer vouchers of different amounts to stimulate consumption vitality, covering catering, cultural tourism, automobiles, home purchases and other fields. These leverage measures allow consumers to leave their homes and enter supermarkets and scenic spots. Consumption coupons can stimulate consumption growth, it is recommended to issue consumption coupons on a larger scale and with greater intensity during the Spring Festival.

People’s money bags are bloated and consumption can “run”. Therefore, relevant policies should be further improved to stabilize and promote employment, increase residents’ income, and consolidate residents’ confidence in increasing consumption. The development of SMEs is linked to the employment, income and daily life of a large number of people. In response to the difficulties faced by small and medium-sized enterprises, policy coordination can be strengthened in terms of tax relief and tax reductions, targeted subsidies, etc., to stabilize enterprises and jobs.

From the point of view of consumption structure, in addition to developing and improving traditional consumption, it is also necessary to actively develop service consumption and accelerate the cultivation of new consumption.

In terms of service consumption, there is still room for the expansion of cultural tourism consumption and health care consumption. Now it’s winter and ice and snow sports are hot, so we can promote more diversified products and spread more standardized standards to the general public. At the same time, people’s health awareness is gradually improving, and support can be increased in terms of infrastructure, consumption patterns and key enterprises to expand the space for healthy consumption.

In terms of new consumption, in the era of the digital economy, new digital consumption has penetrated all aspects of people’s daily lives. For example, smart restaurants, a new retail format, help catering companies improve efficiencies through digital applications such as queuing, booking, takeout, ordering and settlement. , cut costs. Excellent solutions can be promoted to enhance the development of the industry.

The full recovery in consumption will not happen overnight. All parties must give full rein to their enthusiasm and creativity. Only by lighting a few more fires can consumption be stronger and economic growth more dynamic!

(Editor in charge: Nian Wei)

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