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We need a flexible policy… we are very close to Turkey –

/ world today news/ Why are our politicians silent about Syria and avoid commenting on the wave of refugees in Europe?

The national security strategy is a guiding document in this area and it states that in the Middle East Bulgaria supports the peace-loving policy of the USA. Which means that once the United States announces its peace-loving position, our country will support it. This is the answer to the question why our first people in power do not clearly announce their assessments and intentions regarding what is happening in Syria. If you think this answer is funny – turn to the strategy and you will read the same.

Perhaps you will ask if this is the only justification for the Prime Minister and the Government to keep a well-expressed silence on the subject. Yes, that’s right – it’s difficult for them. Because here, on our territory, the interests of Turkey, the USA, and Russia intersect, and Bulgaria has shown in recent years that it does not know how to lead a balanced policy.

At the same time, Europe is affected by a wave of refugees whose consequences are unclear. The European leaders are currently a bit confused because they are trying to neutralize the tension, whether with quotas or not… But, unfortunately, the EU is not a geopolitical actor in the Middle East, like the USA and Russia, and it cannot with its own forces and means solve the problem there. Europe can take positions, but like Bulgaria, they are not at all obvious and clear, because it is not a single political entity. The EU is an economic community, but of independent states. Which means that it is unable to defend a unified political position. Indeed, if we look at the scale, the EU is big – with a market of 500 million, but it is not a player, rather it is a political dwarf.

Indeed, we hear in the media from the mouths of more than one politician, asked about the hot topic, that the EU should have a single opinion, a single decision, especially regarding refugees, but nothing happens after these calls. I will tell it to you in a somewhat cartoonish version – when you sit down in the pub to sip your drink, everyone is of the opinion that it is better for a person to be rich, healthy and beautiful than poor, sick and stupid. You do understand that these are just wishes from which almost nothing follows.

The problem is with those it depends on to what extent they can give way. Because the position of different countries means a compromise – everyone has given up on something in the name of the common goal and agreement. No one can stay away from their red line and have a unified position.

Indeed, at such a moment, rumors start in a certain vacuum. Because if we look to the south, Turkey is still guided by the momentum of the imperial policy, which is long-term, careful. But right now our southern neighbor is just taking advantage of the situation and her price has gone up a lot. The Europeans ignored it a few years ago quite arrogantly, and now it is seen that without its participation some complex issues are difficult to solve. So Turkey has no interest in becoming Europe’s bad guy, on the contrary, it needs to be the needed guy. And she is moving along this path.

Our policy should be quite flexible, we are closest to Turkey. And, if we want to be respected, we must have very good contacts not only with it, but also with Russia, with Germany. And not simply and directly – only with the USA, and at some leadership level.

Our Prime Minister understands many things, he thinks on many levels – starting from the personal and ending with the geopolitical, but, unfortunately, he cannot be helped much. Because the important positions in the external, in the internal, in the Ministry of Defense, in our intelligence are vacant positions. There’s no one to hit on the shoulder from there. Yes, they are filled as positions, but we have not had quality appointments in them for a long time.

So we will move in the common European system that is somewhat broken, and what is for them is what is for us. The bad thing is that we are very close to Turkey and we will have to meet the blows more immediately. But, as you can see, the main refugee flows for now prefer to bypass us and head firmly for Germany. Yes, at some point they may pass through our territory, but we are not the bone of contention in this crisis.


Prof. Dimitar Yonchev, national security expert.

#flexible #policy.. #close #Turkey

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