Home » today » Health » “We need 200,000 Pfizer doses.” Over 50 still waiting

“We need 200,000 Pfizer doses.” Over 50 still waiting

Adults aware yet refractory to vaccination, fragile people – precisely by virtue of age – who risk contracting the Covid (Delta variant included) then running into probable and serious evolutions of the disease. People who are simply afraid and therefore tend to postpone. Or people who, even if they decide to get vaccinated, will have to deal with the doses Pfizer in fits and starts. Despite the Lazio both the Region that vaccinated the largest number of resident citizens “over 71% in the first dose and 58% in the second”, as the Regional Health Councilor Alessio D’Amato points out, there is still a hard core of people who have not undertaken the vaccination process.

Who must be convinced or who, even if they decide to get vaccinated, still have to make an appointment. The availability of doses weighs on this last aspect. The same number of Pfizer vaccines delivered in July will arrive in Lazio in August with a decrease of 43% compared to the previous month. In a nutshell, if in June the Region was able to count on 1.5 million doses, in August 196,000 doses per week are expected for a total of 784,000 Pfizer vaccines (which is what is currently needed the most). “It would take 200 thousand” in addition explains the commissioner D’Amato even just to recover the “gap” of the excluded or reticent. Returning to the numbers, although as the Region pointed out yesterday – “in the first two weeks of July there were about 140,000 new bookings of over 40s” – over 330,000 citizens aged 50 to 79 must be vaccinated. The figure is presented by the government control room in the weekly report on the immunization campaign in Italy.

Vaccines in Lazio, the categories

As of July 16 (the dossier is updated every seven days) there were 337,382 adults and elderly people in Lazio waiting for the first dose or the single dose. The largest share concerns the age group 50-59 years: 199,083 citizens (21% of the total) who have not yet undertaken the vaccination course, followed by those aged between 60 and 69 years (90,877, or 12 , 8% of the total target population) and finally the seventies. The class between 70 and 79, in fact, still counts 47,422 (8.6%) out of the vaccine. Finally, to these data are added those of the guests of the RSA. Also from the national report, Lazio counts 415 patients (1.6% of the total) who have yet to undertake vaccination.

Councilor D’Amato reiterates that, however, as of August 8 “we reach 70% of the population in double doses” but that for the purpose of herd immunity “it is essential to vaccinate even the younger population groups “. Meanwhile, since yesterday afternoon, those who received the first dose abroad or in another region were able to start booking the recall in Lazio which yesterday counted a total of 434 new positives. Of these 340 are concentrated in Rome which in a single day has seen an increase of 37 cases. Admissions are also returning (130 with an increase of 11 admissions) and Intensive Care: more three – for a total of 29 places occupied – compared to Sunday.


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