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We must hope for the best and prepare for the worst / GORDON

Russia’s ultimate intentions are unclear, except that it seeks to threaten and weaken Ukraine. Different scenarios could unfold. As I said in the European Parliament in Strasbourg, we must hope for the best and prepare for the worst,” Borrell wrote.

He does not rule out that Russia wants to “use this crisis as a lever to achieve the stated goal of changing the security structure in Europe, also excluding the Europeans from the discussions.”

“But we know that our American allies will not fall into this trap. We know that words and statements alone are not enough to change the calculation of the Russian leadership, and therefore it is so important that EU leaders decide to lift existing economic sanctions and warn that any action Russia against Ukraine will have dire consequences, “Borrell explained.

The EU High Representative called what is happening around Ukraine and Belarus “clear illustrations, if any, of the kind of threats that Europe faces: hybrid tactics, power politics, intimidation and disinformation.”

“The fate of individual countries and societies is at stake, but also the broader principles underlying the European security order. These developments demonstrate the EU’s urgent need to increase its capacity and means for action in the security sector,” Borrell said.


In the spring of 2021, Russia built up troops near the border with Ukraine and in the occupied Crimea. In late October, American media began reporting that Russia pulls up troops again to the border with Ukraine.

On November 21, the head of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense Kirill Budanov said that RF prepares for an attack on Ukraine in late January or early February, and the attack will be “much more destructive than any before.” Defense Minister Alexei Reznikov said in an interview with Politico, published on December 13, that near the border of Ukraine there are about 100 thousand Russian military, which can attack on several fronts at once, using artillery, tanks and aircraft.

In the Kremlin called the messages about the preparation of the invasion “stuffing”, said that “Russia is not going to attack anyone and is not hatching any aggressive plans,” and accused Kiev of preparing to aggression “against” LPR “and” DPR “. In the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine denied the disinformation of the Russian Federation about the alleged preparation for a military attack in Donbass.

The United States and NATO have repeatedly called on Russia to de-escalation of stress at the border.

On December 10, Russia demanded that the North Atlantic Alliance officially withdraw a promise Ukraine on its entry into NATO. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg emphasized that the right of every people to choose their own path remains fundamental to NATO.

December 17 The Russian Foreign Ministry circulated the Russian draft treaty handed over to Washington on December 15 with the United States and agreements with NATO on so-called security guarantees. In particular, in Art. 4 of the draft agreement between the Russian Federation and the United States states that the United States must commit to exclude further NATO expansion “eastward”, refuse to admit the states that were formerly part of the USSR into the Alliance.

The White House said in response to Russia’s proposals that US discusses them with European allies and partners.

Stoltenberg said that the dialogue of the Alliance with the Russian Federation should take place in consultation with European partners, such as Ukraine.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine stressed that “the main problem of the security of the Euro-Atlantic space is currently are the armed aggression of the Russian Federationand the current Russian escalation along the Ukrainian border and in its occupied territories. “

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