Home » today » World » “We must have better quality criminal prosecution, because in the region we already know that there are acts of organized crime” – 2024-04-02 03:35:33

“We must have better quality criminal prosecution, because in the region we already know that there are acts of organized crime” – 2024-04-02 03:35:33

On our different platforms, we have reported that finally the National Prosecutor Ángel Valencia appointed Aquiles Cubillos, who currently holds the position of regional executive director of Aysén, as the new Regional Prosecutor of O’Higgins.

Aquiles Cubillos, 50 years old, will assume his new role on May 25. His career in the Public Ministry began with the implementation of the Criminal Procedure Reform in 2003 in the Local Prosecutor’s Office of San Vicente de Tagua Tagua as deputy prosecutor and, later, leading that division.

After a period outside the Public Ministry, he returned to the Aysén Regional Prosecutor’s Office where he served in different local prosecutor’s offices, assuming 2021 as regional executive director. Lawyer from the University of Chile, he has a Master’s degree in Public Law from the University of Chile and a Diploma in Management Skills taught by the Adolfo Ibáñez University, strengthening his profile and experience for this new responsibility.

In his presentation to obtain the position, he delivered his work program where he proposed an efficient distribution of workloads, the use of artificial intelligence in the various stages of the investigation, improving the adherence of victims and witnesses to the process, in addition to expanding the Drug Treatment Courts, the creation of a Regional Analysis System along with the strengthening of the Flagrancy process and the use of the web Log.

Cubillos has a clearly defined work program, which is based on considering that in the region criminal prosecution does not reach the standards of excellence that existed until a few years ago, indicating that in 2015 O’Higgins was the first region in Chile in judicial terms. Currently, there are 68 percent of cases completed, which demonstrates difficulties in maintaining action in judicialized cases.

According to Cubillos, there is a delay in reaching trial and, when it does arrive, the results are not good, citing as an example that in cases with an unknown defendant, 9 out of 10 cases end with a negative result and, when the defendant is known and even formalized in a detention control hearing, 26 percent end with a decision not to persevere, the highest figure for this type of termination in Chile.

It indicates that reaching an ordinary trial in the region takes 937 days, more than 2 years, well above the regional average of 823 days. “We have to have self-criticism, we can do things better. We must have a better quality criminal prosecution, because in the region we already know that there are acts of organized crime, which put in check the rule of law and the peaceful coexistence of all citizens,” says Cubillos, who adds that to confront This phenomenon must be urgently improved in criminal prosecution, since in the region, in parallel, a large number of crimes with social connotations continue to be committed that require a substantial improvement in the quality of investigations.


Its plan is based on three axes: The first is an efficient and effective criminal prosecution, carrying out investigations with clear objectives. In cases of organized crime, their activities, the people who commit crimes, and the financial interest that leads them to commit crimes must be identified. Knowing these aspects will allow you to make quick and useful investigative decisions. To achieve this, a methodology must be implemented that allows for the collection of information in a disciplined manner, carrying out a criminal analysis that allows prioritizing the persecution of organizations and gangs that commit these crimes, valuing the creation of teams against organized crime.

As for crimes with a greater social connotation, violent and non-violent robberies, they account for more than 30 percent of admissions with an unknown suspect. Only 7 percent end in a conviction, indicating that there will be a criminal prosecution plan for robbery crimes, strengthening the work with the police and the community, improving the work at the scene of the event, creating special investigative teams in each prosecutor’s office. local, in order to obtain quick responses to the commission of these crimes.

The second axis is based on having a modern Regional Prosecutor’s Office, with investment in technology. “The challenge is to turn O’Higgins into a region synonymous with innovation,” says Cubillos, who adds that the systems created must be focused on prosecutors and officials, ensuring that their work is always of better quality and quantity, with a intensive use of technology, including artificial intelligence, training people and internalizing new work processes.

The third axis indicates a strategic management model, where it is possible to build, together with the entire team of prosecutors and officials, a clear story, with terms, results and objectives where quality criminal prosecution is at the center of institutional work, placing emphasis in institutional relations and improvement of officials, positioning the Prosecutor’s Office as an actor and collaborator of a criminal prosecution system that is at the service of people, also improving the climate of the teams in each of the prosecutor’s offices, with good communication internal.

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