If there is a behavior, not a citizen or a citizen, that makes life unpleasant in the city of Sya, it is these cheerful acrobats and other anarchic parades in traffic. Disturbed by the actions of some of his constituents, the President of the special delegation (PDS) of the Bobo-Dioulasso association, Laurent K Kontogom, in a press release published on the Facebook page of the town hall on 30 August 2024, warning those involved in traffic gymnastics. And which “endangers their lives as well as the lives of pedestrians, residents and other road users,” says the head of the town of Bobo. Also, he remembers that these practices are prohibited and punished by the texts involved. As a result, it “notifies the makers of acrobatics, stunts and speed to stop these practices, if they are not dealt with firmly without prejudice to any legal action that may arise on them”.
Similarly, motorcyclists must be reminded that this is valid for them as well. Because it is no secret that they are a real danger in traffic due to their involuntary behavior. They, who give the impression that they are permanently under the influence of narcotics and many of them do not care about the road code. Thus creating unexplained chaos in traffic.
Not forgetting the many wedding processions that are presented in full in the cemeteries of the city, especially on Thursdays and Saturdays and even Sundays. Indeed, in the euphoria of the celebration, the participants in these parades believe that everything is allowed. Sure they are, they take precedence over everything and everyone in circulation. Unfortunately, in these moments of joy sometimes accidents happen. Accidents that involve several people and cause many injuries, sometimes death. However, the wedding procession that accompanies the bride and the groom is regulated by texts, especially law No. 022/97/AN of October 21, 1997 relating to freedom of demonstration on public roads. It provides in article 10: “Marches, marches, gatherings of people and, in general, any demonstration on public roads and in public places are subject to prior confirmation sent to the head of the administrative area or authority local to Scotland. the relevant place in other cases.” This declaration must be made 72 working hours before the event. It should be noted that athletics on public roads, including wedding processions, are prohibited. Under the law, any offender is liable to a fine of 500,000 FCFA to 1,000,000 FCFA and/or 2 to 5 years in prison. In addition, there is no reason to spoil a wedding party by sending your wedding party there. regret your reckless behavior in traffic.
Comparison is not correct! But the President of the special delegation of the District of Bamako (Mali) also decided to deal with the issues of marriage procession. Therefore, in a press release dated August 29, he reminded his constituents that “marriage celebrations are private events”. Also, they must “in no way be lumps -obstruct the freedom of movement and the peace of other citizens,” he said. To prevent vandalism, “marriage processions are now limited to 6 vehicles”. This is what the city authorities of Bamako decided. To reflect!
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![We might as well say it… Enough of these acrobats and parades polluting traffic We might as well say it… Enough of these acrobats and parades polluting traffic](https://i0.wp.com/www.lexpressdufaso-bf.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/Acrobatie-2.jpg?fit=%2C&ssl=1)