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We maintain safety measures at work but we relax more with the family | Radio Pontevedra

The pandemic data they are very bad at the Pontevedra Salnés Sanitary area and in the Santiago Barbanza and Deza sanitary area. Active cases and daily infections rise just when we were seeing a drop before Christmas.

There is a lot of tiredness from this situation. But we are in the final stretch and the vaccine is very close and you have to make the last effort. Are the doctor’s words Juan Turnes, head of digestive system at CHOP and member of the clinical committee that advises the Xunta on the pandemic. The CHOP digestive service that has just received the Best in class award for excellence shown in the Hepatitis treatment.

Also in this press appearance, the manager of the sanitary area, José Ramón Gómez, from which we ask for evaluations of the situation in the area where Covid remains uncontrolled: We have 897 active cases, which are 32 more and in the last 24 hours, in addition, 62 new positives were detected, 13 more.

The Manager insists that most are family outbreaks, because we maintain good security measures at work and on the street but we relax more with the family.

We have alarming data in some municipalities with incidents within 14 days per 100,000 inhabitants, very high such as Rodeiro, which has 1,354 cases per 100,000 inhabitants; Illa has 1,177 and Bueu 582. There is concern and the management of the Sanitary Area affirms that there will be no relaxation of measures.

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