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We know how much electricity and gas bills will increase from July. The government provided calculations

In the assessment of the effects of the regulations on the draft act, which the government is to consider on Tuesday, the Ministry of Climate and Environment recalled that proposed regulations oblige electricity and gas sellers for whom the President of the Energy Regulatory Office approves tariffs to submit applications for changes to these tariffs.

In the case of electricity, the ministry estimates that, taking into account current market conditions the tariff price could drop from the current PLN 739 per MWh to below PLN 600 per MWh. The price of electricity on the Polish Power Exchange TGeBase increased on Monday to PLN 411.45 per MWh. However, the fluctuations are large and on holidays, when energy consumption is lower – such as on May 1 – the daily price even dropped below PLN 150, and there have already been cases of negative prices around noon on April 14 and 28.

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At the same time, the project assumes the introduction of a maximum price for electricity in the period July-December 2024, at the level of PLN 500 per MWh for households and on the level PLN 693 per MWh for local government units and public utility entitiesas well as the SME sector.

According to the ministry’s calculations, this would mean that electricity bills of most household consumers paid in the second half of 2024 will increase by approximately 29% compared to the first half of 2024. “The energy voucher will additionally mitigate the increase in bills of less wealthy households,” it was written in the OSR for the act.

According to data from the Energy Regulatory Office, 16.9 million household consumers consumed an average of 2 MWh per household in group G (G11 and G12). Converting this to the population of Poland (37.6 million people) results in 0.9 MWh per person per year. Let’s take a look at how much your household bills will increase depending on how many people live in it.

Tariff below PLN 600

At the end of April, the President of the Energy Regulatory Office, Rafał Gawin, assessed that, looking at electricity exchange quotations and adding all sellers’ own costs, a price below PLN 600 per MWh in the tariff is realistic.

Read also: The energy voucher will range from PLN 300 to PLN 1,200. Check how much you will receive

In the case of gas, the project eliminates the price freeze for tariffed customers at PLN 200.17 per MWh from July 1, and introduction of a maximum price equal to the tariff of the largest retailer – PGNiG Obrót Detaliczny.

The project, as the ministry reminded, obliges PGNiG OD to apply to the President of the Energy Regulatory Office for a tariff change. As a consequence, the amount of gas bills for tariffed customers will increase in the period from July 1 to December 31, 2024 by approximately 15%. – estimates MKiŚ. The current PGNiG OD tariff is PLN 291 per MWh.

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