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We investigate if the New York subway is really a clean and hygienic place | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

derek chauvin waspressing george’s neckbutcher: the subway waslisted as one of thefirst foci of infection of thecoronavirus. univision news41 has done reportsabout the topic.millions of people usethe service. we gave ourselves to thetask of researching thecleaning work, but thisonce with the help ofmicroscope.horrible, i work asnight and it’s dangerous.look, no.looks clean apparently.I didn’t know how to tell him.gjavier: trains are thebackbone of the cityfrom New York.during the pandemic, newsshown the reality oftrain service. we didtours of the first reopenings.this time, we wanted to gomore in depth. foreverthinking about the welfare of thecommunity and in a cooperationwe wanted to find out what’s inthese surfaces.the three trains areclean.>> there is so much flow of peoplethat there are little things that are notgood.Javier: we started with himprocess May 5, we meetwith laboratory staffin the station of corona plaza.two microbiologists tooksamples. test tube,swabs and suppliesbiosecurity.what the bottle has issaline solution.Javier: these barriersSwivels are what you touch the most.then we walk to the seasonaland you buy your ticket.>> let’s get the partwhere people play more,credit card numbersacquire the ticket.Javier: a sample of thehandrails and seats. oneach of these places, thesame process.there are people who are veryexposed.train.to take a sample, in yourinside the places whereholds and seats.then we head to the highmanhattan.we saw at station 181 of theline a.the samples have been taken thereat different points of thestations and the train to seewe found.there we can help thecommunity to followkeeping the measurements ofsafety and hygiene in ourneighborhoods.Javier: the samples a take awaylaboratory for a comprehensiveaalisis.what we do here, you cansee what some colors arepurple, others are red.indicates the bacteria thatwe can find there.Javier: a broth ofcrop that allows you to see thefinally here are theresults, it is carved bytrain station samplescollected and bacteriagifts.but this represents a riskto health?doctor emilio carrillo, withmaestias at harvard publicit will help us to analyze theresults to do the mustto have.says that what to be wingsaware that I never overthe importance of healthpublic.doctor carrillo: astro ispandemic has taught us theimportance of public health.and he usually doesn’t think about it.is important, because it can bea very big crisis.javue tomorrow in the secondpart, we show you theresults in what way thiscan have your health anduser reactions and

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