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“We in Rome are the offshoot from below”. The ‘Ndrangheta has’ opened’ in the capital: 77 arrests between Lazio and Calabria

“We in Rome are an offshoot from below”. The ‘Ndrangheta has officially opened a shop in the capital. Information that has been circulating for some time by experts but which has only found official confirmation today with the investigation “Offshoot “which led to two custody orders issued by the investigating magistrates at the request of the Dda of Rome e you Reggio Calabria. In the Calabrian trend of the investigation, coordinated by the prosecutor Giovanni Bombardieri A politician, the mayor of Cosoleto, also ended up under house arrest Antonino Gioffré, accused of political-mafia electoral exchange. In the village on the plain of Gioia Taurounder the influence of the Alvaro clan, the mayor, elected with the civic list “Alliance for values”, essentially would have favored the recruitment of another subject under investigation.

The Calabrian vein – Overall, 29 people ended up in prison while five subjects for whom the investigating judge ordered house arrest. The suspects are accused, for various reasons, of criminal association of a mafia type, aiding and abetting committed in order to facilitate the activity of the mafia association and the possession and sale of common firearms and aggravated weapons of war. The leaders of the Alvaro clan ended up in handcuffs. In addition to the mayor of Cosoleto, Antonino Gioffréunder house arrest, were arrested Carmine Alvaro called ‘u cuvertuni’, believed to be the local chief of Sinopoli. Also in handcuffs are the local leaders of Cosoleto, Francesco Alvaro known as ‘ciccio testazza’, Antonio Alvaro known as ‘u massaru’, Nicola Alvaro known as ‘u beccausu’ and Domenico Carzo known as ‘scarpacotta’. In the Reggio section of the investigation, according to the investigators, it was possible to demonstrate how the tentacles of the clan Alvaro-Penna they would have stretched on the municipal administration of cosolete. In the small village of Plain of Gioia Taurothere would be a local ‘Ndrangheta autonomous in ordinary illicit activities but functionally dependent on that of Sinopoli. In fact, from the investigations, a strong interest of the clan emerged the outcome of the administrative elections of the Municipality of Cosoleto in 2018 won by the mayor Gioffré who was in contact with the suspect Antonio Carzo.

The club in Rome – The investigations developed by the Dia Operations Center in Rome have provided serious clues to existence of the association of ‘ndrangheta called the Alvaro-Penna clan, whose associates are holders of deep-rooted control of the territory and economic activities, as well as infiltrated the management of some local administrations. The possession of weapons, including war weapons, by the members of the criminal association determines the danger of the association itself. On the Roman thread of the investigation, Dia carried out numerous searches and others 43 pre-trial detention orders. The blitz affected various areas of the capital and the province of Roma. Some suspects are accused of being part of a local ‘Ndrangheta, rooted in the capital and aimed at acquiring the management and control of economic activities in various sectors, fish, bakery, pastry, collection of skins and exhausted oils. According to the investigators, the criminal organization systematically resorted to fictitious headings in order to shield the real ownership of the assets.

“We are a caravan to make war” – The investigation of the two prosecutors made it possible to demonstrate for the first time how the Alvaro clan gave birth to a criminal articulation in the capital. It was the so-called “local of Rome“Which represents a”detachment”Independent of the association rooted in Calabria and in particular with what the investigators call the“ Sinopolese parent company ”which has the task of finding a solution to the frictions between the Roman associates. To solve them, the two local leaders from Rome came to Calabria to discuss them with the top management of the family on the occasion of special events, such as weddings or funerals. “We in Rome are one offshoot below“, Say the suspects in an interception. The Roman ndrina officially recognized by the “mother house ” In Calabria. The criminal group was led by the bosses Vincenzo Alvaro and Antonio Carzo. Alvaro himself is the boss intercepted while he claims: “We are a caravan to make war“.

The money and the white collar of the clans – Among the people reached today by precautionary measure also some professionals accused of “have made available“Of the clan theirs wealth of knowledge. It is an accountant, to whom the investigating judge has applied the prison measure for external competition in the mafia association, and an employee of a bank. At the same time, the police (police headquarters, the carabinieri and the finance police of Rome and Reggio Calabria) carried out a preventive seizure against a series of companies and individual enterprises operating in Rome and registered in the name of nominees. There are 24 companies and restaurants, bars and fishmongers in the north of Rome and in particular in the Primavalle district.

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