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We help mother Virginia, from the Zecchino d’Oro to community lunches

Forlì, 27 October 2024 – A real one and its own solidarity competition to help mother Virginia. It will be possible to purchase tickets for it ‘Zecchino d’Oro Show’ also this afternoon directly at the box office of the Diego Fabbri theatre. The only precaution, considering that the show is organized by the Rotary Club Tre Valli and promoted by Anffas, is to arrive with cashthe. The cost is 33 euros and all proceeds will be donated in favor of Virginia Baldassarri. Starts at 5.30pm.

It will be an evening of music, with hits such as ‘Il torero Camomillo’, ‘Give him a push’, ‘I wanted a black cat’, ‘The long one, the short one, the easy-going one’. many smiles, but, above all, the commitment of an entire city that moves to help a girl in serious difficulty.

Virginia it’s one young mother of two beautiful childrenactive and cheerful, whose life changed drastically last April when she was hospitalized due to a serious infection. His life was hanging by a thread, but, despite a poor prognosis, after a long stay in the intensive care unit at the Morgagni hospital, she was declared out of danger of her life and transferred to rehabilitation. Unfortunately the disease had serious consequences, which resulted the amputation of both legs below the kneethe left forearm and all the fingers of the right hand except the phalanx of the thumb. From the very moment of awakening from the coma, Virginia did not lose heart and announced that he wanted to go back to doing everything he did before. A life that can only start again by purchasing cutting-edge prostheses with prohibitive costs. For this reason, the Zecchino d’Oro show with the Antoniano children’s choir will be the first step in ‘a new beginning’, as stated in the promotion of the event.

The initiative today is not the only one that local communities are organizing in his favor. Born from the collaboration of two historic civil protection associations, that of Forlimpopoli and that of Dovadola, the delicious proposal ‘Lunch with Virginia’. On Sunday 10 November at 12 in the square in Dovadola it will be possible to have lunch with homemade tortelli, second course, side dish and dessert.

On Sunday 17 November at 12pm at the Selbagnone location in Forlimpopoli, the menu includes hand-rolled tagliatelle, second course, side dish and dessert. The cost is 20 euros. For Dovadola the reservation must be made on 335.7179349 or 335.6290313. The number for reservations in Forlimpopoli is 349.6520702.

The community of Fratta Terme, the town where the family lives, started a fundraiser at the end of August through the retedeldono.it platform with the wording ‘Fundraising for Virginia’. The leader of the collection is the Pro loco of Fratta Terme, in collaboration with the football association where his 11-year-old daughter plays.

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