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We haven’t seen the person we thought Putin was lately.

The representative of the press service of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry, Andriy Yusov, told how diplomats distinguish who is in front of him: Putin or his double, what is the probability that Putin will be eliminated and when this can happen .

Let’s start with Putin’s attempted annexation of our Ukrainian territories. What do you know exactly? You, as intelligence, should know more than politicians or public figures, who or what pushed Putin to such a decision? What dangers does this decision hide from us and is there an ultimate goal for this falsification?

It pushed the panic, despair and successes of the Ukrainian armed forces. Putin is losing the war for the whole world. He goes on to nuclear blackmail, to political blackmail. He is trying to repeat the history of the annexation of Crimea. He won’t work. The world does not accept blackmail, Ukraine rejects blackmail. Of course, any attempt at annexation, any attempt at a referendum is an absolute fiction.

Application for membership of NATO

That is, Ukraine’s request to join NATO and the immediate reaction of the first NATO people with the support of that idea: is this a strong response from the West to attempts at this annexation? What else are our Western partners preparing to tame the Kremlin?

The main thing, in fact, is a quick reaction to Ukraine’s request to join NATO under the accelerated procedure, which distinguishes this question from the events of 2008, when Ukraine had already applied for membership in the same way, but through the MAP.

Let’s talk now about the accelerated procedure. On the one hand, a swift timely reaction and, on the other hand, a rapid reaction in relation to the tightening of the sanctions policy, the strengthening of economic and financial assistance to Ukraine. And most importantly, the strengthening of defense assistance to Ukraine. This is the civilized world’s response to Russian aggression and escalation.

The attempted annexation is nothing more than Putin’s latest escalation on Ukraine and the increase in the stakes. Both the free world and Ukraine do not react to this blackmail except by strengthening the resistance to the occupation.

But we understand that NATO’s public statements and comments on accelerated enforcement and the promise of new sanctions are just the tip of the iceberg. There are now informal channels of communication and pressure, mainly on the Kremlin elite, and which countries do this?

Today, the same representatives of the Kremlin elite are looking for such channels and communications to protect themselves, their wealth and get away from the crazy dictator. But, of course, there are also informal channels. Public order is a very important component, but beyond that, there is also behind the scenes. Ukraine uses all tools: public and non-public, closed and open. However, what Ukraine is saying about the inadmissibility of the negotiations from the blackmail position or the attempts to annex new territories is a fact. The public position of our partners corresponds to this.

Putin’s final

And those early traitors of Putin you speak of, who seek informal negotiations with the West themselves, how high is this circle and are there those among them who can lead, for example, a palace coup against him?

We will not speak by hypothesis, and even more so we will not mention names, because those names may still be necessary in the end for the future of Russia itself. So let’s keep them secret for now. However, it can be said that in the political-military leadership, especially in the business elite of Putin’s Russia today, not everyone is happy with the mess that the “Putin collective” and the truly mad dictator have prepared. Not everyone shares the historical positions of Medvedev, Patrushev and others. With each new level of that escalation, with each new wave of mobilization, with each new percentage drop in Putin’s rating or, of course, with the new successes of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the liberation of the occupied territories, this party of peace in the center of the Russia will certainly strengthen.

If we are talking about Putin’s ending, then it has already been decided. It is not really about Putin’s future. This is a fiasco. Whether it will be a political fiasco, whether it will be in the form of an international court, a palace coup or a street lynching is another story. But the ending is a fiasco.

But the question of Russia’s future is still open. Or it will be able to cleanse itself of the dictatorship and reformat itself, moving away from all occupied territories and trying to somehow retreat. Or it will fall apart and the enslaved peoples of the colonial empire will have the opportunity to create independent states. If other scenarios are possible, this is already a question.

Is it still too early to assess the likelihood of specific scenarios?

We can say that multiple scenarios can now be relevant at the same time.

Can we talk about it now or not yet?

The fact that we are witnessing protests, first of all, of mobilization, not in the capital region, but in the national republics, is a very strong symptom. The whole world has seen that the Caucasus, especially Dagestan, are not just people who resist.

But for the revolution to win, this revolution must be in the capital. Is it still far from the rebellion of the regions?

I think the term “revolution” is of little use to Russia today. A revolution presupposes certain values ​​and a certain ideological group. Ukrainian revolutions, the Maidan are always a struggle for values. This is a struggle for a choice of European civilization.

Rebellion is also possible in Russia. This is their right and they can exercise it, at least for now it all seems like this.

Mobilization in Russia

Mobilization Putin has opened his own “Pandora’s box”, which will lead to its collapse. By the way, it coincided with the fact that immediately after the mobilization, a number of Western publications began to analyze and select Putin’s likely successors. Is this a coincidence or not? Politico, for example, has published a list of 12 names. Is the selection of a candidate already underway or is it just proof that an intraspecific war is underway, such a slaughter for a possible position?

First of all, it is proof that the world sees that Putin is weak. Maybe not even physically. We know there are questions as to whether he is alive or not, whether we see him or double. But the very image of a strong leader, a strong dictator who can influence global world processes, who once drove influence assessments, is no longer there.

Of course, the world allows you to laugh, joke about weak Putin, start looking for alternatives. There will be more on the way, for sure. This weakness is seen by some elites within the country, and such an internal struggle is already underway.

You mentioned Patrushev’s name. This is a very influential figure in the modern Russian regime today.

Putin’s double

If you have already launched this passage on “Putin is alive – not alive”, “double – not double, I will use it, everyone loves behind the scenes. Your leader, Mr. Budanov, repeatedly in his interviews he made suggestionsIs Putin still alive? It reads between the lines. I’ve heard such phrases from him: “Well, listen, we don’t know who the person is who actually stepped off the ladder of this plane.” Some diplomats told me: “We know who and when he speaks, we have already counted these twins. We know when they speak and when Putin speaks.” So, is Putin real, that VVP number one, often appears on the air or not? And who signed these vulgar letters of annexation?

This is very interesting and there are really a lot of indirect signals, but this should worry us less. When at some international summit all presidents keep Putin waiting, this may indicate that they know something and therefore demonstrate their attitude towards a particular figure on the stage. Maybe they mean this is not the same person.

For us, this is not a key issue. It could be Putin, it could be the “collective Kremlin”, or it could be a hologram.

Is there a possibility that this is a “collective Putin”?

There is a possibility that we have not seen the person we lately considered Putin. This is a separate interesting topic of research and development. It is very important to understand that Putin is now a collective image, this is a regime, this is a certain collective system. And more and more in this collective system weighs not the dictator himself, or whoever pretends to be him, but, in fact, a certain circle behind him. The circle that is wrong. This circle is mainly made up of old nomenklatura, security officials, military. This is the last generation and the one before the last, people who crave the Soviet Union, the methods of the Soviet Union. People who don’t understand the methods of the modern world, the modern era and have pushed themselves into conspiracy theories live in a parallel world.

What we have seen, that hate speech on the West, on Satanists, on anything, is a problem for the civilized world. And Russia has already become such a problem.

Remember, there was such a popular meme about how to rule the world without attracting the attention of the attendants? This rule has been violated by the “collective Putin” and by modern Russia. They began to attract the attention of the attendants. Of course, humanity and the civilized world must put things in order in this madhouse to move forward. Putin’s regime is doomed and the future of Russia, as we have mentioned, has several scenarios.

In any of these scenarios, Ukraine restores sovereignty over the entire territory and wins over Putin’s Russia and, as a result, the racists are defeated. And most importantly, there will be punishments and punishments for every crime.

Is the Kremlin dwarf still alive?

See you in court. I think that when there is an international tribunal, all examinations and analyzes will be carried out.

Weakening of the North Streams

Let’s do a DNA test. I want to discuss the weakening of the North Streams with you. One of the most serious versions is that one of the main beneficiaries of these explosions is Russia. Can you confirm this version?

We can say that blowing up the North Streams is a scenario that was expressed and envisaged as a method of waging a global war a few years ago. This is what Ukraine has also warned about.

Why this is beneficial is already clear. This is the energy blackmail of Ukraine and Europe. Can sabotages such as blowing up the North Streams be repeated in other structures in Europe and Ukraine?

When we talk about modern Russia and the Putin regime, these are people who are already carrying out not only sabotage on pipelines, but direct nuclear terrorism. We are not talking about nuclear weapons now.

Of our power plants, right?

Yes. On the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant. This is direct nuclear terror. This is what is already being done and implemented by racists. So, of course, other acts of energy terrorism: both attacks on Ukrainian infrastructures and sabotage outside Ukraine are, unfortunately, possible scenarios and Europe must understand this.

Is there a threat to Ukraine’s gas transportation system now?

We are now talking about a dishonorable full-scale war. And, of course, there is a threat from the racists to the entire infrastructure, to all critical infrastructure.

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