Home » today » Entertainment » We have wise and highly cultured ministers, that’s all… Vezhdi is the typical example – 2024-08-27 08:54:12

We have wise and highly cultured ministers, that’s all… Vezhdi is the typical example – 2024-08-27 08:54:12

/ world today news/ Some time ago, MP and former Minister of Culture Vezhdi Rashidov was a guest on the Saturday morning show of Nova TV. In fact, lately he has been going around most televisions like some kind of pop or movie star and speaks instructively and wisely on all the hot topics for our society: about the constructive role of GERB, about our wise prime minister, about democracy, freedom of the press and speech, culture and theaters / about theaters and orchestras some time ago, in his capacity as a minister, imagine, he said that they were “like a cyst in the body of taxpayers!”/. And then he starts bragging about the miracles he did for our culture as a minister, about the miracle of the “Bulgarian Louvre”, about the structural reforms, about the unique delegated budgets. Yes, there is no doubt that this man will go down in history. It is a pity that the director of the Paris Louvre returned the irons he had sent without being asked, and the Louvre lost these masterpieces.

And more about: the renovations in the cabinet and in the capital, how it was managed in our country before and after the coup of 1989, about the requested resignations, about the daily scandals...

Here is some of this wisdom heard in the Nova TV show:

/quotes are verbatim with Vezhdi’s “legalese”/

What is democracy?

Saying “democracy” and hearing the word “patriot” makes me sick of this thing

About the scandals: – Everyone is guilty. Look, I have infinite respect for everything,

which is around my life because everything is needed. (…) We are all present in a process that we have turned into a way of life.

About life:

We lead a primitive life, cheap.

There are some sorosoid very well paid young people going. They walk with some cameras, they haven’t planted a single tree, they take pictures all day and save Sofia. Sophia must be made, not saved. One brigade of these children, one shovel, one Leninist sabbatical worker – to work a little.

We’re getting ridiculous, you know what I’m saying. This is a complete joke now. They walk, take pictures, raise scandals, arouse passions, get involved in everything.

And more truths and wisdom:

Am I talking too long? Stop me, because I pumped myself up a little, I got a little caught like that… (at a press conference);

Back in the day, there were journalists with whom we ate together, drank together, threw up together, got up from the table together. Yes, we were like one body;

Well, I also protest that Naomi Campbell is not my secretary, but what can be done?.. (on the occasion of the protests against the ridiculous theater reform);

–– Study, get sixes, because I was a three-pointer, and look what they made me – a minister! (in front of students from Art High School in Sofia);

Eating and drinking cannot be the only thing for which Homo sapiens created man;

See, the Bible also begins in a strange way. He begins with spirit and matter. One body has two hands – spirit is its identity, its culture, matter is its economy, and they go hand in hand. What are we doing now? Treat one hand for holding the spoon to paw with it, the other later on in better times?

I was attacked, defiled, and I feel offended in some way. Why do you think that being a minister I am devoid of human qualities? Why do you think I am not of flesh and blood like you? What makes me different as a human and homo sapiens from all of you?

You know, culture is always a bit like that somewhere after the meatballs

Theaters, operas and orchestras in Bulgaria – currently sit like a cyst on the Bulgarian taxpayerwords of the minister of millennial Bulgarian culture!!!

Good reforms are coming, serious reforms.

Shakespeare invented the theater to move

There will be a Musical Theater as long as this theater has an audience. It depends on them. Since they are not fulfilling their plan according to the delegated budgets, they should invite Sofi Marinova…

It smells like gunpowder – tallow and blood will pour

Otherwise, we will be sitting in a cobweb just because we really want to have theaters

Do you know what Krikor Azarian said to me before he left, his bright memory. I sat by his bed in a military hospital and he said two wonderful words to me: “Damn, if you allow yourself to make the reforms in the Bulgarian theater, you will bring back the renaissance of the Bulgarian theater

So let’s remember the book of the great Erasmus of Rotterdam “Praise of Folly”.


* In the photo – Eyebrows – academician candidate!

#wise #highly #cultured #ministers #all.. #Vezhdi #typical

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