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“We have the impression that something serious is going to happen”, warns the president of the Collectif Santé en Danger

According to doctor Arnaud Chiche, coronavirus patients represent on average 80% of the beds occupied in the hospital, to the detriment of the neurology and cardiology departments.

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“There is a little atmosphere of February 2020, we are not quiet. We have the impression that something serious is going to happen”, testified Saturday December 18 on franceinfo Dr. Arnaud Chiche, anesthesiologist, founder and president of the Collective Health in Danger. The latest figures from Public Health France show that the number of patients with Covid-19 admitted to intensive care began to rise again at the end of November.

franceinfo: What is the situation in hospitals?

Arnaud Chiche: There are on average 80% of the beds occupied by Covid patients, many emergency departments are closed for lack of personnel, there are SMUR lines closed for lack of personnel, there is a lack of beds everywhere and doctors have difficulties in hospitalizing the sick. Resuscitation services are severely impacted by the influx of Covid patients and the forces present are impacted by 18 months of difficulties linked to this epidemic. The executive does not meet the expectations of caregivers. There is a little atmosphere of February 2020, we are not quiet. We have the impression that something serious is going to happen.

What are you afraid of?

We are all a little afraid of being overwhelmed by something very important in terms of the influx of patients. The caregivers will do the maximum as always, it is our job, and in this the French must be reassured. But the executive is at fault and he should urgently announce to caregivers that he understood that the hospital situation was extremely serious and that the French health system was fragile and that a great Marshall Plan had to be launched. I do not understand why Emmanuel Macron does not announce it. Even if he does it now and it takes five years, at least the caregivers who will be on the front lines will know that their president has understood the state of health in France.

Are patients suffering from pathologies other than Covid-19 in danger?

There are all the other pathologies, operations are deprogrammed so that the staff can go and help in other services with Covid patients. The situation is so dramatic that in the cardiology and neurology departments there are no beds. We have difficulty taking care of people who have strokes or myocardial infarctions. This will be increased tenfold by the influx of Covid patients. The French must be told to get vaccinated, but they do not have to suffer from a completely degraded health system.

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