Home » today » Entertainment » We have Sorin Cîmpeanu’s doctoral thesis “kept secret”. ANYONE can see her for … 20 years

We have Sorin Cîmpeanu’s doctoral thesis “kept secret”. ANYONE can see her for … 20 years

A fake news related to the Minister of Education, Sorin Cîmpeanu, was launched.

During the interview given, on Monday, August 9, on DCNewsTV, the Minister of Education, Sorin Cîmpeanu was asked if he “secreted his doctoral thesis”.

His thesis, so-called secret, has been PUBLIC for 20 years!

The doctoral thesis is public at the National Library of Romania, right from its support ”, explained Minister Sorin Cîmpeanu. “Anyone can access this link, anyone can consult it,” the minister added.

“It was said that you secreted your doctoral thesis … What do you mean it is not secreted ?!”, commented, later, Bogdan Chirieac. “The doctoral thesis is public”, underlined the minister Sorin Cîmpeanu. “And why was it said that the thesis is secret, if it is public?”, Insisted Bogdan Chirieac. “We are not far from Yerevan,” the minister said, adding that he has nothing to hide, “unlike others.”

“Also, the list of works is public”, the minister also explained. “You know that the GDPR exists. I gave my consent for it to be published, my list is public “, added Sorin Cîmpeanu.

“In the 30 years of activity, I have nothing to hide, unlike others. I am very proud of all my works and I have no reason to hide them “, concluded Minister Sorin Cîmpeanu.

Sorin Cîmpeanu, the information expected by pupils, students and parents, live at DC News

SECURITIZATION and principals, revolution in school management. Minister Cîmpeanu, the announcements of the day

Sorin Cîmpeanu made, during the interview, an extremely important announcement related to the management positions in schools.

“Today we will publish in the Official Gazette the methodology for the directors’ competition. We will have professional competitions that privilege exclusively the competence and no other criteria, organized starting with September 14th. Today, a month before, we will publish in the Official Gazette the methodology for this competition for the positions of directors and deputy directors.

There will be a written test on October 15. Only those who will take at least a grade of 7 on subjects that will be relevant and whose safety will be very closely monitored will be able to pass the written test. After October 15, we move on to the interview test.

For the first time, in the five-person commission, together with the representative of the Inspectorate and the representative of the local authority, we will have two representatives elected by the school staff who want to be led, from among the tenured teachers, elected by secret ballot. And the fifth will be the one who will ensure the professionalization of the contest, because it will come from companies that have strong human resources departments. I talked with the Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Romanian-German, Romanian-French, with the Romanian-American Chamber of Commerce and Industry. We talked to all these operators, we are available to provide human resources during the interview test, so that the evaluation of candidates for the position of director is done professionally. There, because there are over 10,000 positions, where we will not be able to have human resources from the private sector, we will turn to the university environment, those with management expertise. Either people who have had or have leadership positions in universities, or management professors “, explained Sorin Cîmpeanu. More, HERE!

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