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We have nothing to do with the case of Sheikh Al-Rifai, and we are seeking with all our capabilities to find out his fate

The General Directorate of Public Security stated, “On 20/2/2023, the news of the disappearance of Sheikh Ahmed Shuaib Al-Rifai spread in the city of Tripoli. As a result, the relevant agencies in the General Directorate of General Security took the necessary measures to reveal the fate of Sheikh Al-Rifai, and some references were contacted. In the city of Tripoli and Akkar, in order to find out from them the latest data and circumstances that accompanied the disappearance, and to exchange information in this regard.The officials of the General Security confirmed to everyone who contacted them that they did not know the whereabouts of Sheikh Al-Rifai’s disappearance, and that they had received instructions from the Director General of General Security, Major General Abbas Ibrahim, to follow up on this. file, and make the necessary effort to uncover this case.”

And she explained in a statement, “Three days after the disappearance, positions, statements, and tweets began to be issued by some people, including well-known and responsible personalities, that include words that point the finger of accusation in the “kidnapping” of Sheikh Al-Rifai to the General Security, accompanied by expressions that slander. It is about hatred, hatred and sectarian incitement, and it calls for arming and calls for movement in the squares.

The Directorate indicated, “From its official website and its concern for the security of the Lebanese in particular and those residing on Lebanese soil in general, and all the people of the city of Tripoli and Akkar and all of the North know this, and they know the extent of the humanitarian and service relationship that binds them to it, and that its doors are always open to them; it denounces these positions.” Which emanate from two people who are supposed to have a great deal of responsibility in these difficult circumstances that the country is going through.

And she confirmed, “To our people in the town of Qarqaf in Akkar, that her son, Sheikh Al-Rifai, is not with her, and the General Security has nothing to do with this case, and she is seeking with all her capabilities to know his fate. And that Major General Ibrahim is ready to receive a delegation from the people of this dear town when they wish to do so.” And she added: “As for those who deal with this humanitarian issue through sectarian incitement, spreading hatred, and making false accusations against public security, we will have an appointment with them in the judiciary to expose the falsity of their claims and fabrications.”

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