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“We have entered the era of sustainability”

The era of engines that characterized the last century is over and that of sustainability has begun. There are measures that will have an immediate effect such as the eco-bonuses that will accompany the transition to electricity and others more in the medium and long term “. Deputy Minister of Economic Development Gilberto Pichetto Fratin opening ‘Wave, mobility in the sustainable city‘, the two-day event that brought public and private institutions, shared mobility operators and the world of research to Rome at the Lanterna di Fuksas to analyze, build and promote new synergies for the development of sustainable mobility.

“The next period – continued Fratin – will be characterized by a change in the production system and the NRP contains resources to accompany many companies to change”.

“We are facing something extraordinary for our country: thanks to the Next Generation Eu, great opportunities open up to accelerate the transformations towards ever greater sustainability and to accelerate our economic and social growth ”, said Angelo Sticchi Damiani, President of Aci, Automobile Club of Italy. “Mobility – he continued – is one of the cornerstones of this transformation, for its role in everyone’s daily life, with relevance for our companies, for the impact on the national automotive system, with the prospects for the necessary modernization road infrastructure. So an articulated and complex transformation that cannot be simplified while it must be rationally guided. A transformation that involves Aci and for which it makes its experience and skills totally available “.

“We absolutely have to work for an enhancement of environmentally sustainable mobility – he said Raffaella Paita, President of the Transport, Post and Telecommunications Commission – This means increasing intermodality which must be more effective and able to balance our territories as a whole ”. “To relaunch electric mobility in our country we need greater investments, greater tax breaks and a leap in cultural quality“, he said Roberto Rosso Deputy, member of the Transport, Post and Telecommunications Commission intervened in the discussion panel together with Andrea Casu, member of the Transport, Post and Telecommunications Commission, Giuseppe Chiazzese, member of the X Commission for Productive Activities, Commerce and Tourism and the deputy Federico Mollicone.

The afternoon of work continued with a focus dedicated to the European Directives applied in Italy with the interventions of Mario Conte, mayor of Treviso and president of Anci Veneto, Enrico Pagliari, manager of the Aci technical area, Pierpaolo Settembri, Head of Unit of the DG Move Coordination of the Commission European. “There cannot be a sustainable transition without the involvement of all the actors involved,” he said Patrizia Toia, MEP, member of the Commission on Industry, Research and Energy.

The start-ups were entrusted with the task of investigating paths, methods and funds to enable development, starting from an idea, of a concrete project up to its launch on the market with the testimony of 2hire which develops the remote connection technology of a vehicle; Reefilla engaged in the development of an innovative charging system for electric vehicles and Futur-e Foiling still in the crowdfunding phase, which brings electric propulsion to the nautical world, Antonio Margiotta of the National Innovation Fund and Fiammetta Mataloni, Business Development Associate of Plug and Play Italy, the start-up accelerator of the Modena Motor Valley.

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