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“We have an archaic system”: in Sarcelles, a hip hop festival dedicated to equality between women and men

The choreographer Didier Mayemba, 47, is launching a brand new event in Sarcelles, the “Festival 2 Mouv du temps”, from this Friday 18 until Sunday 20 February. The first day is devoted to debates and exchanges around equality between women and men, with Swedish and French politicians and gender specialists, to compare the realities of the two systems. “Because, in Sweden, it’s not a debate,” says the dancer.

His work has taken him to this Scandinavian country where he spends one week a month. Didier, founder of the Mayemba company created in 2005, gives lessons to 245 students from schools in the city and around fifty young people. “It was also a reflection on my students. We still have an archaic system that does not take into account the evolution of mentalities, ”he explains. Father of two little dancers aged 4 and 14, he wants to “avoid them this kind of problem as they grow up”.

A battle reserved for women

“In hip-hop, women have nothing to envy to men. Most of the guest judges are, however, men. There are also more female choreographers in France but the choreographic institutions are occupied by men”, points out the one who is also co-president of the Chorégraphes Associés.es union and vice-president of the music and choreography authors commission of the Assurance formation des entertainment activities (Afdas). The festival is also supported by the Ministry of Culture, the National Hip-Hop Organization of which he is coordinator and the collective Made in Sarcelles.

On Saturday 19, there will be a somewhat special battle “La dame de fer”. It is dedicated to women with a hip-hop battle reserved for dancers from all over France (around thirty) and a house dance battle. To finish, however, there will be a mixed all-style session with the sweet name of Bonnie and Clyde.

“This battle reserved for women can allow them to cross this first barrier and free themselves from stress. I have seen that a lot of very strong young women lose out to more arrogant men. By stupidity or intuitively, these gentlemen will be more aggressive even if the women are more technical and musically more accomplished. In addition, young dancers who are starting out can be intimidated to participate in a battle”, argues the founder.

Homosexuality in the station wagon

Sunday is dedicated to a competition between choreographers, all styles combined, with their performers. There will be two streams: amateur and semi-professional. Throughout the year, the Mayemba company trains at the Rosiers-Chantepie hall. Didier created the play “Utopia” for three performers, which talks about homosexuality in the station wagon. “We are targeting this discipline which is more masculine, macho, conservative. We asked the question to fifty French break artists and 60% answered that there were no gays in the break, which is false. »

This resident of Sarcelles also organizes the Battle Bad Nordic, a selection of young Scandinavian artists as part of the international hip-hop competition Battle Bad. The winners are then sent to the final in Sarcelles. Finally, Didier Mayemba also gives rhythmic dance lessons at Les Chardonnerettes to around fifteen mothers “veiled or not, of all religious denominations”.

At the Jacques-Berrier room, rue Pierre-Brossolette. Free on Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., 3 euros on Saturday from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. and on Sunday from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. for the public. Battle on registration at [email protected] for participants. http://mayemba-dance-company.com/

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