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We greatly reduce the risk of skin cancer with these habits even in the fall

For many, summer was a window of fun and relaxation. The wisest, however, took advantage of this period to do a complete check-up and to devote themselves to prevention. This step is fundamental for health: in fact, in some cases our lifestyle has a huge impact on the potential reduction of some ills that are very difficult to cure. Today we are talking about one of these and some simple precautions to be implemented for your own safety. Therefore, we greatly reduce the risk of skin cancer with these habits even in the fall. Let’s see together how we can do to take care of the largest organ in our whole body.

Skin cancer, how to prevent it

Usually many worry about this type of cancer, especially in the months of July and August. This is because the sun beats faster and we are generally all more exposed to UVA and UVB rays. In addition, there are those who sit for hours on the bed in the hope of getting an envious tan: they do not know, however, that this habit we all have during the summer is highly harmful. In fact, if taken without adequate precautions, tanning is one of the main reasons that induce skin cancer. This variety of cancer according to theAIRC one of the most common types. For this reason it is better to sunbathe using a cream with adequate protection and protecting yourself with a hat. But then there is also a routine to keep all year round, even when temperatures are colder. Let’s see it together.

We greatly reduce the risk of skin cancer with these habits even in the fall

A good way to start the day is to apply a moisturizer to your face after cleansing it. Subsequently, we also recommend spreading a protective lotion, the power of which may vary depending on ours phototype. Let’s not forget to spread it well also on other exposed areas, such as the décolleté. To find out which products are best for our specific case, we recommend consulting a dermatologist. The important thing is to follow these tips consistently, even if you decide to stay indoors: in fact, the light filters through the windows anyway. In this way, in addition to protecting ourselves, we will always be able to keep our skin elastic and compact, slowing down aging. Finally, we recommend periodically to check the condition of the epidermis to see if any spots or moles have appeared. If you notice any changes, it would be better to consult a specialist in this case as well.


This precious vitamin is among the most important and could ward off cancer and coronavirus

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted WHO”)

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