NAM: Sp leader Trygve Slagsvold Vedum got to taste a lot of food from Trøndelag during the food festival in Trondheim. Photo: Rodrigo Freitas
Vedum: – Will cut into irrational things
The Center Party leader rejects the accusations from Melby that he will stand for the most anti-urban government in Norwegian history.
– With the Conservatives, the Liberals and the Green Party, who have ruled in recent years, many of the reforms have been about how to solve Oslo city center’s challenges. Of course, we must have a policy for Oslo city center, but we must also have a policy for the whole of Norway, says Vedum to VG.
– But you want to re-prioritize money from the cities to the districts?
– We also want an investment in the villages. I have had a clear proposal this week that spending NOK 40 billion on a new government quarter is an extreme use of money. I am concerned about cutting unnecessary spending.
– So there will be less state money for the big cities with the Center Party?
– No, we will cut into unreasonable things, such as the government building to 40 billion. Then we must also prioritize small and large places around Norway – and have a tax policy that is adapted to the whole country. Then we disagree with parts of the city policy of the Liberal Party, such as forbidding ordinary people to use a traditional car in a city, says Vedum and points to a fossil-powered car behind him.