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We found no evidence of fraud, Trump’s minister admitted, upset lawyers

In an interview with the AP, Secretary Barr said U.S. lawyers and FBI agents were working to investigate specific complaints and information they received, but did not reveal any evidence that would change the outcome of the election. “So far, we have not seen fraud to such an extent that it could affect the outcome of the election,” said Minister Barr.

At the same time, Barr himself, as one of President Donald Trump’s most loyal allies, repeatedly speculated before the election that the correspondence vote could be rigged. The Minister of Justice has mentioned several times that this will be one of the most vulnerable to fraud, due to the correspondence election that a large number of Americans have resorted to due to the covid-19 pandemic.

“There’s one claim about systematic fraud that the machines were programmed to fundamentally change the results, which turned out to be unfounded,” Barr said in Sidney Powell’s statement.

Trump’s lawyer said after the election that the results were affected by election software created in Venezuela “at the behest of Hugo Chávez,” the late Venezuelan president, who died in 2013. in the air”.

Barr also said in an interview that people often use the federal justice system instead of civil litigation. “There is a growing tendency to use the criminal justice system as a standard solution to everything when people don’t like something, they want the Justice Department to come and investigate,” AP Barr said.

Trump’s legal team has already responded to Barr’s conversation. “We have gathered enough evidence of illegal voting in at least six states, but this has not been reviewed. We have many witnesses who have sworn an oath that they have seen criminal conduct in connection with electoral fraud. According to our information, the ministry did not listen to any of them, “Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellisová write.

“With all due respect to the Minister of Justice, he appears to have made his statements without any knowledge or investigation of material irregularities and evidence of systematic fraud,” lawyers added to Trump.

Trump questions the election results despite his own administration stating that the 2020 election was the safest vote yet. On Tuesday, the president wrote on Twitter about a “big truck with hundreds of thousands of fraudulent ballots” and called on the governor of Georgia to “cancel” the election because he committed fraud throughout the state.

However, the Trump administration has already begun the process of transferring power to the next president and his office. However, this act was also delayed by Trump, and the administration will normally be handed over as soon as we know the election results.

However, Trump promised that if Joe Biden wins the presidential election on December 14, when Joe Biden wins the election, he will admit his defeat. Joe Biden’s appointment is scheduled for January 20, 2021.

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