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“We fight more than Oasis (but we love each other)” – Corriere.it

from Andrea Laffranchi

The band presents the latest concert series in clubs. The start on 22 April from Padua

“In the end I have only one regret: having argued so much in 1999”. Piero Pelù returns to the memory of the first dissolution of Litfiba. Now there is another one in sight, celebrated not in court but with a farewell tour with the Dante title «The last round», starting on 22 April from Padua. Piero puts a hand on Ghigo Renzulli’s thigh. He touches it, he wants to feel it. «I want to tell Ghigo that I love him. I don’t want to end up like Paul McCartney who has recently confessed his grief for not being able to tell John “I love you” ».

The first goodbye was in 1999. The band, which along with a few other pioneers created the very idea of ​​rock in Italian, crumbled at the height of success. «It was heavy – recalls Ghigo, the guitar -. On the last tour we only spoke through lawyers. ‘ Raises Piero, the voice: «That was an unripe decision then, today maturity helps us to face the issue with a positive and serene attitude. However, even now we fight every day: Oasis are nothing compared to us ». Ghigo went on with the sign and another singer, Piero tried it as a soloist. In 2009 the reunion. And now the second stop. “At 40, plus the two of the pandemic, the time had come from the debut,” explains Ghigo. “There are no conspiracies this time. We are satisfied with what we managed to do, we went beyond what we expected. We could have gone on, proposing the same things again, but towards the public it is more honest like this », adds Pelù. Given the Dante title (Pelù has been engaged for months on a theatrical tour of Hell with Aldo Cazzullo of Courier service) in which group would they join? Piero: «I am in the lustful and I send Ghigo in the gluttonous». The colleague: «Both are lustful, even if with my size I can stay in two groups at the same time and then even the greedy ones are fine …».

There is no new music in sight. “Not at the moment – says Piero -. We are thinking about how to best honor the repertoire. We have written about 150 songs and we want to prepare 70 to take live: every evening we will change about a third of the lineup ». They don’t want to think about when they will get off the stage for the last time, on their first day as a non-Litfiba: “This must be just a big party in which there is no room for sadness.”



December 13, 2021 (change December 13, 2021 | 18:38)

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