Home » today » News » We explain how to protect your health during the days of intense heat in New York | Videos | Univision 41 New York WXTV

We explain how to protect your health during the days of intense heat in New York | Videos | Univision 41 New York WXTV

the blue and yellow line, sseI’m matching.Rafael: Thank you.get ready because all of ourarea will be feelingdangerous temperatures, they have notsummer started but withoutunofficial theme, we will havefor the first time in thisseason over 95 and with thisextreme heat all children,old women and pets werevulnerable, combined with thehumidity.we spent with isabel peraltahilland who is incolumbus circle, we have alittle wind that helps butthis will be eliminated and we will haveoppressive heat.Elizabeth: one of therecommendations that willappear on screencoming soon and it’s because youmust have a lotcaution because as he saidlucrecia these are expectedtemperatures in the ninetiesor as and their their children ómoyou mentioned petspeople with diseasesconical has to takecaution and those who workoutdoors and enter thisweb page where are thefilament sites, toothere are showers, on the websiteyou can find the differentplaces.according to the statisticsof the health parliamentaverage number of deathshappened every summer between2010 and 2019 causeddirectly by the heata 10, an average of 10 eachyear, this is enough.what should you do tostay protected from the heat?avoid leaving home between12:00 noon and 6:00pm, drink plenty of fluids withoutexpect to be thirsty, reducephysical activity, rest withfrequency in the shade orventilated spaces or air conconditioning, do not leave children,elderly or pets in carswith windows closed, rememberthan a vehicle under the suncould be for a long timemortal.dress in light clothing,light colors, don’t forget thesunscreen cream thatcan help protect yourskin.

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