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We expect positive, but there will be difficulties. Astrological forecast for June | Society

The forecast for all signs of the zodiac was representative of the Avestan school of astrology astrologer Vera BORSCHEVSKAYA according to the method of Pavel Globa.


You will be overwhelmed with seething energy. You will want to be active and, perhaps, “hit all the hard.” But remember that by spending a lot of time and effort on all sorts of pleasures and entertainments, you risk missing out on good chances. It is better to direct efforts to “pumping” ideas and comprehending new knowledge. After all, the period favors the receipt of information and self-learning. For example, start reading more, it will bring not only joy, but also develop speech; or visit the museum, interesting exhibitions to broaden your horizons. But communication is unlikely to bring pleasure. It is important to clearly and competently express thoughts, since there is a great danger of distorting information, avoid getting involved in other people’s problems and intrigues.


All attention will be focused on the problems of home and family. No matter how interesting or boring the work is, it is important to remember that you are working for the well-being of the family. Try to devote time not only to earnings, but also to household issues, as well as to your family members. Build respectful relationships with parents and other relatives, spouses and children; be guided in making your decisions with the foundations and traditions of the family. By the way, interest in the study of family roots may suddenly awaken: by establishing close contact with older relatives, you can collect complete information about the ancestors and compile a family tree. In the second half of the month, it is important to avoid quarrels. Try to find compromise solutions.


Be ready to implement unconventional and breakthrough initiatives. This will be facilitated by self-confidence, approval and support from management and colleagues. As a result, you will be able to surprise others with your decisions. The most fruitful time will begin from the second decade of the month. During this period, activity and enterprise will increase, but try not to soar in the clouds, and most importantly, remember that in a conversation it is important not only to correctly express your point of view, but also to hear what exactly the interlocutor wants to say. This is how you can easily get interesting and necessary information, establish new connections, recharge with positive, and feel in demand.


It is important to understand how you express yourself in a team or society. Look at yourself from the perspective of the people around you. How are you treated? Such reflections can be unexpected but very rewarding experiences, as you can learn new things about your behavior and understand how to overcome a stagnant situation. The whole trick is that the highest harmony in the material plane is achieved by people who enjoy great authority among their friends, relatives, and colleagues. By the way, this month will present all the necessary opportunities to increase your significance and competence. To do this, take responsibility for solving serious problems, forge new paths to achieve goals, hone your ability to convey ideas, be persistent in your aspirations. In this way, and not otherwise, you can become an example for others.


A month can pass under the banner of innovations, changes, updates. But for everything to go off without a hitch, you need good knowledge, experience and a clear understanding of what you are ultimately striving for. The main thing is to “lay the straw” in time so that the changes do not leave you “with nothing”. It is better to make important decisions in the first decade of the month, since in the second half there is a danger of overly impulsive and thoughtless actions. At the end of June, a good time for creative work, a relaxing holiday in a sparsely populated place, communication with the immediate environment. However, do not focus on yourself, pay attention to what is happening around. Perhaps someone will need your help.


Attention will be riveted to issues of work and status. But, alas, in this you are unlikely to achieve significant success. In addition, there will be a strong desire to break away and go somewhere far away. Well, the first decade of the month is suitable for this. Indeed, in the future, due to doubts in yourself and your abilities, you will begin to gravitate towards solitude. You will want to be in a quiet and comfortable place, without fuss and unnecessary movements, there will be a need for self-knowledge and exploration of the inner world. Meditation and creativity will help you find yourself. Perhaps later there will be some fear of leaving the comfort zone, as it will still be difficult to understand yourself. Then, in order to correctly assess the situation and find the right way out of it, you will need an outside perspective. Don’t be afraid to share your personal experiences with someone.


Despite your dislike for too abrupt and sudden changes, the trends of the month will push you to implement various innovations and get vivid impressions. Yes, the period is suitable for expanding the boundaries of your capabilities, in addition, there are great chances to surprise others with what accomplishments you are capable of. The main thing is not to waste time, be active, go beyond everyday life, explore new spaces. In addition, you will be interested in long-distance travel and travel, study, acquaintance with other cultures and new connections with people from afar. You may be too eager to be noticed. But still, do not overestimate the strength and capabilities, posing as an important person, do not put yourself on a pedestal ahead of time, let others do it.


A period of serious life transformations is coming. Now, more than ever, it is important to improve professionalism, show creativity, reveal talents, strictly follow the chosen path, excluding a frivolous attitude to obligations. At the same time, in your desire for independence, you will be somewhat “turned off” from the environment, as if fenced off by a high wall. At the same time, ill-wishers and rivals are activated, they will try to hurt you, but still you will be able to confidently resist any of their attacks. Especially in the third decade of the month, one should keep a distance in communication, show asceticism in small things, consistently move towards the goal. In the end, this approach to business will certainly bring its bonuses, and you will begin to feel more confident.


The month will be held under the auspices of partnership, relationships, family. Now the stars are recommending to slow down the pace of “leaps and bounds” to which you are accustomed. To properly build partnerships, you will need caution, distance in communication, willpower and patience. The main thing is to measure everything with your personal value system, do not neglect your principles and do not succumb to pressure from others. In no case do not allow yourself to communicate with others down, learn sincere and kind communication. When talking, look directly into the eyes, so the interlocutor will feel that you are in a businesslike mood. Also support your partner, encourage his successful undertakings, but do not forget about yourself. To do this, spur yourself to inner growth, do not stop in your development. At the end of the month, you will be able to recognize the true causes of mistakes and obstacles, to take stock of business and personal relationships.


You will focus on work, but your personal life will require attention. As a result, you will have to maneuver between work and personal affairs. In general, you will be active and determined to overcome the difficulties that stand in your way. But do not overdo it in the desire to keep everything under your control, avoid arbitrary approaches in resolving issues, as well as aggressively imposing initiatives. In the struggle with oneself, the development of an inner core, competent goal setting, and the development of the skill to feel the situation will help. Do not exaggerate the negative aspects of life, do not follow the passions. And do not rush to be jealous of a partner, it is better to think about what is wrong with you. After all, now is the time to listen to intuition in order to feel where it is better to direct efforts. Luckily, at the end of the month, the negative energies will have been used up and you will have better control over your work and relationships with others.


Despite the dynamism of the period, many of you will be influenced by doubt and uncertainty. It is better to postpone important matters, plans, loans, purchases for a more favorable time, act as you are used to, limiting yourself to the usual tactics and techniques. This month, a lot of effort and money can be spent on entertainment and pleasure. You will want change and adventure, risk and adventure, brightness and brilliance, individual achievements and exploits. Of course, it is better to direct energy in a peaceful direction: do what brings happiness, add elements of creativity and love to life, create a beautiful and cozy space around you. By the way, most adventures will pass without consequences, and yet moderate frivolity and selfishness. Engage in your own development and relaxation, without shifting your problems to others.


The period is not conducive to labor exploits, so the best solution would be a temporary respite. Time off, vacation, family affairs will help to overload. But in order to experience the pleasure of the work process, on weekdays you should perceive your activity as a service for the common good, understand that you are participating in a joint process. At the same time, be practical, clearly and soberly perceive the surrounding reality. You may have to limit yourself in some way, as you will need to strictly follow the set goals, consolidate your skills and experience with practice, and conduct active business correspondence. But you will have new connections and working contacts. As a result, you can become an informal leader, secretly managing all processes. At the end of June, energy will be added, which will contribute to advancement in work, career and additional earnings.

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