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‘We don’t want to become the EU’s ATM’ – The Daily Standard

Popular Swiss politician Thomas Aeschi (SVP) is completely fed up with the European Union. Because, he says, if Brussels has its way, the Swiss will end up as “the EU’s ATM.” The inhabitants of this beautiful mountain state want to prevent this at all costs. Incredibly enough, those ordinary citizens find their politicians on their side. Because yes, in Switzerland there are still political leaders who take the interests and opinions of their people seriously. There it is.

The Quote of the Week from Omroep ON! comes this week from Thomas Aeschi, “Switzerland’s most popular politician” of the ‘right-wing populist‘ (and largest!) party of that country, the SVP. “I can feel, and I think others too, that public opinion [over de relatie met Brussel, waarmee de onderhandelingen onlangs werden stopgezet] has changed because of the problems of the EU: the whole debt crisis, poverty in the south and east of the EU. Many Swiss fear that the EU is treating Switzerland like an ATM and that they expect the Swiss to pay excessive amounts of money to fund the EU.”

That is why Switzerland recently entered into negotiations with the EU on a new all-inclusive agreement, ended. Because just transferring money to those crazy bastards in Brussels, and to the irresponsible souls in, say, Italy, France, Spain, Bulgaria and the like, well, they rightly don’t feel like it.

In the negotiations, the EU wanted, among other things, free movement of people and goods. But the Swiss are not retarded. They do realize that once they agree to this, the sovereignty of their country is irreversibly affected. Because no, the Swiss are not retarded. Not her. Because they understand all too well how this game is played.

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How wonderful it would be if the Netherlands also had leaders like this. But no. We have to make do with Mark “Build Back Better” Rutte and Sigrid “dream coalition with GroenLinks!” kaag. The Swiss may not want to become the EU ATM, but we Dutch are apparently more than happy to fulfill that function!

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