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“We don’t want that kind of television”

Antonio David Flores and Olga Moreno reappeared this Saturday, for the first time since their separation was confirmed, in a concentration called by the so-called ‘Blue Tide’. Hundreds of people, arriving from different parts of Spain, gathered in Malaga to shelter the family and denounce the harassment to which they are being subjected since his ex-wife, Rocío Carrasco, accused him of abusing through her own docuserie.

Antonio David, who shared the concentration live through his Youtube channel, charged again against Telecinco and especially against La Fábrica de la Tele, responsible for ‘Sálvame’ and ‘Socialité’, the two programs that are being the most critical and harsh with him and his family.

“They keep quiet people who are against that way of doing television”

According to a former Civil Guard, “Anything is worth to have an audience”, it does not matter if it is at the cost “of defame” or “of destroying people and their families”. For Antonio David, “that is not journalism” or the most correct way of doing television: “The essence of what entertainment was and talking about known people has been lost.”

Concentration of the so-called ‘Blue Tide’ in Malaga. (Youtube)

In his opinion, La Fábrica has taken a very dangerous course, which is none other than “doing damage to gain an audience.” The production company continues to bet on Rocío Carrasco’s version and prefers to completely silence the most discordant voices. This bet is what, according to Antonio David, has caused the audience drop of ‘Save me’. “The movement of the ‘Blue Tide’ is in the street and comes to say that enough is enough, that no harm is needed to win audience. There are many ways to do television and entertainment, without harming and hurting families of well-known people. ”

Antonio David Flores, wiping his tears. (Youtube)

“It is a personal war”

Antonio David Flores again publicly asked Telecinco to get fed with him, but not with his family. “There is no need to hurt my children or Olga. There was also no need for them to talk about my immediate relatives and to be shown on television, following them … They do not belong to this world. I am the one who has been showing my face for 25 years. Some say that attacking and it has not been attacking, but defending myself from the accusations, the information and the malicious words, always seeking to do harm “.

I ask, please, that they attack me because I can defend myself and I can attack, and I haven’t done it yet. To attack one has to have a very clean ass and they don’t. Let them shoot me, but let them separate my children and my entire family, “insisted Flores.

According to Antonio David, it is “a personal war against La Fábrica and those responsible against me because I denounced them for a null dismissal. There is a sentence where a judge explains very well what has happened and the harassment to which I have been subjected . We have the strength to tell you, through the audience, that we do not want to see your program“.

Olga Moreno, in the concentration on Saturday in Malaga. (Youtube)

“Stop the bullying”

“Okay, stop the bullying!”, he repeated on several occasions before the media and ‘youtubers’ who attended the meeting. “It is the tonic of television, to gain audience data … they have been destroying families and causing harm for a long time,” Flores lamented.

“The public has said up to here. We do not want this type of television and we do not want this harassment, we want another type of television.” The former collaborator of ‘Sálvame’ linked this supposed boredom of the people with the drop in audience experienced by the program in recent months: “They had 18-19% and now they are at a 13-14% average share”. Despite this statement, the truth is that the program has managed to overcome the pothole suffered this past summer.

In any case, Antonio David stressed that the force is in the hands of the spectators who are the ones who decide what to do with the remote control. “We have the strength to make advertisers and publicists see that we do not agree with the harassment. There are sentences, there are fines … In children’s hours ‘Save me’ has issued […] wild and destructive content for kids. La Fábrica de la Tele skips all that to the bullfighter because they do not care exactly the same. They have so much money that they don’t care about the administrative penalties. They pay them and nothing happens. “For the former Civil Guard,” what they are doing is nonsense. Now it’s my turn, but tomorrow it could be someone else’s turn. ”

Concentration of the ‘Blue Tide’. (Youtube)

Antonio David also described as “abuse” what happens in the programs of this producer. “There are colleagues who, suddenly, change their jacket from one day to the next, due to some guidelines, so as not to lose their job. That is abuse of authority, because it ends up manipulating the audience, deceiving people, and it ends up becoming a sham. We are tired of them selling smoke. ”

“It’s okay to hurt”he said loud and clear. “They have pointed out to me as an abuser, as you well know, and several judicial instances have said that there are no indications that can prove absolutely nothing of what my ex-wife at the time told through a documentary from La Fábrica.” According to Antonio David Flores, since that moment his family has suffered “unimaginable damage and destruction”. The former Civil Guard could not contain his emotion and at various times had to wipe his tears after the support he received during the rally.

Concentration of the Blue Tide Movement. (Youtube)

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