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“We don’t replace our GP”: at the Nogent-le-Rotrou hospital, emergency doctors provide consultations with general practitioners

They began on Friday, September 20. The Nogent-le-Rotrou hospital center offers consultations for patients without a primary care physician.

You have a bad case of flu and you don’t have a doctor, or your doctor doesn’t have a slot available in the next few days? You can now make an appointment at the hospital. Since last Friday, the Nogent-le-Rotrou hospital center has been setting up medical consultations two days a week.

Nogent-le-Rotrou hospital opens consultations for patients without a doctor

Two days a week

“The slots are open 48 hours in advance from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., with a break at lunchtime and the last appointment at 6:45 p.m.,” says Dr. Violetta Jauriac, emergency physician and president of the medical committee of the establishment. “For the moment, we will consult on Monday and Friday. We only receive adults.”

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The goal is to provide a solution to an urgent medical need. “We are not a substitute for the treating physician, it is a complement,” she insists. “We are not here to extend sick leave, renew treatment prescriptions, except in major emergencies. The goal is to provide a service to the population who do not have a treating physician or whose treating physician is not immediately available and who need to be treated quickly.”

“We do the same actions and the same examinations as the attending physician. If necessary, we refer to a specialist or to the emergency room.”

Doctor Violetta Jauriac (Emergency physician, president of the medical committee of the establishment)

Appointments via Doctolib or 15

To make an appointment, you must use the Doctolib website, call 15, or, as a last resort if it is not possible to go through these two channels, go to the hospital, to general admissions.

“Some people don’t dare call 15 because, in their minds, this number is reserved for vital emergencies,” says Dr. Violetta Jauriac. “But the mission of 15 is also to regulate and direct patients. On weekends and public holidays, a care hotline, reachable by calling 15, is provided by doctors who practice in Perche. General practitioners are ready to receive patients all day long.”

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She regrets: “It’s not very well known. Some colleagues have told us that they sometimes don’t receive any calls.”

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“Unloading the emergencies”

These unscheduled care consultations have been in the works for several years. In addition to helping patients, the goal is to “relieve the emergency rooms,” says Dr. Violetta Jauriace. “We sometimes see patients arrive at the emergency room who haven’t seen a doctor for 2-3 years. We discover very advanced pathologies that weren’t detected before because they didn’t see a doctor first.”

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The appointments will be provided in turn by eight to ten volunteer doctors, all emergency physicians. “The emergency physician is also a general practitioner. Some of them also work in private practice in an office alongside their on-call duty at the hospital,” she says. “We are a great team. I hope it will work well. The pace is different, the atmosphere too. People are less nervous.”

The implementation of this new service comes after a busy summer “and a problem of space in the surrounding hospitals of Chartres, Dreux, Le Mans, which were overloaded”, and a generally complicated context in the emergency room.

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“Patients are more aggressive and disrespectful, whether towards staff or other patients, more impatient. They consider the emergency room as the supermarket of medicine, they come with their shopping list, their requests…”, says the woman who has worked at the hospital for over 20 years. “We are increasingly in demand following the closure of services in Orne and Sarthe, particularly the emergency room in La Ferté-Bernard.”

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But there is no need to worry for patients who go to the Nogent emergency room on Mondays and Fridays. “There will be no impact on the service. Before, we did not have enough staff to open these consultations. Now, between the interns, the externs, and the two emergency doctors on call 24 hours a day, it is possible.”

This will come as a relief to all those who do not have a primary care physician, while the area is still considered a medical desert.

Berenice Poulin

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