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“We do not pay for waste that we have not done” [notiziediprato.it]

Tari (reduced) from 5 thousand euros for the Universo gym: “We do not pay for waste that we have not done”

The owner Gianna Meoni announces battle after receiving the balance of the fare. The Municipality has applied the 25% discount reserved for companies damaged by the lockdown but only on the gym and not on the offices

Five thousand euros of Tari to be paid in the face of two long periods of forced closure, the current and the previous lockdown, which his gym, the Universe, had to undergo like all sports spaces due to Covid. Gianna Meoni, who is also the mayor’s chief executive officer for animal policies, doesn’t like it and promises battle. He set fire to the powders this morning, November 19th, when he received the Tari 2020 balance by post. I account that he does not consider the current situation as it was done before Tuscany first became orange and then red.
When Meoni opened the envelope and saw the amount of 5 thousand and 73 euros, she went on a rampage and published a controversial post on Facebook with the photo of the bill: “What waste can we have done in three months of closure, since March to May? These are the aids that are given to the companies that you have decided to close down. Shame on us. But in Prato we will make it, yes damn it. If someone tells me you have to hold me up “.
The Municipality of Prato has provided a 25% discount on the variable part of the Tari for those Ateco codes that remained closed during the first lockdown. Meoni’s case is particular because the discount was applied only to the gym part and not to the office part. Something that, however, the animalist passionate does not want to accept at all: “Apart from the fact that I was convinced that the months of closure were discounted in full and not a simple 25% on the variable part, I do not intend to pay in the meantime because it is not possible to do so and then because it is not fair. If we are stopped, we do not produce waste and therefore we do not have to pay. I will appeal. In the meantime I will go and talk to Alia, then we will see. I have always paid everything there is to pay, but that’s enough. If I die Me, my 160 collaborators are also dying, who are now at home without support. Among other things, until today I have had only two thousand euros of help from the government “.


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