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We do not know if the Covid vaccine will be optional: nurse

Although the federal government announced that the first to receive the vaccine against Covid-19 will be the health personnel of Mexico City and Coahuila, there is still uncertainty about how it will be applied, as stated by María, a nurse at the Hospital de Especialidades de La Raza, who cares for patients infected with coronavirus.

“They have not given us dates as such of when they are going to start (…) I don’t know if it will be by enrollment, by categories, how they will do it; they just told us that they will be the first lines (of the personnel who take care of infected patients).

“In fact, the only thing they asked us was our proof that we had already applied the influenza (vaccine), to keep a record. So I want to believe that after they have all the registration they will begin to see how it is going to be applied, because not everyone has the flu as well, “said the nurse to El Economista, who asked to keep her real name anonymous.

María, who mainly cares for the elderly and adults who have contracted the virus, added that among her colleagues there are doubts about the advisability of applying the antidote against Covid-19, the first doses of which, it should be mentioned, are estimated to reach the country in the next days.

“Nobody wants to wear it almost. I do not know, for example, there are some who did cause or react with the flu, if they get the flu or get sick (…) if the flu is already with caution for the same reason that there is adverse things, because right now nobody has put it on from here, from the hospitals. There is also caution ”.

The nurse acknowledged that another issue that generates uncertainty among her colleagues is whether the Covid vaccine will be optional or mandatory.

“I don’t know if they are going to offer it to us … that’s the case with influenza, which is not so much as ‘if you want to put it on’ (…) For example, there were colleagues from other units who literally told them yes they did not wear them, they did not sign guards, “he said.

Reconversion and cases

María commented that it has transpired that at the General Hospital of La Raza – which is located next to Specialties – the general surgery floor will become a Covid area in the coming days, given the high number of patients arriving.

“They still do not know what the availability will be that they will still leave; if it is going to be with the healthy distance measurements, which are like 22 beds, or if it is going to be … (all) the apartment as it has Specialties, which literally do put everything (without spaces) ”.

The increase in Covid-19 cases in the capital has alerted authorities in recent days.

According to the capital government’s contagion monitoring report, as of December 1, it was estimated that there were 18,442 active contagion cases; by last Saturday the number reached 34,334. That is, an increase of 15,892 cases between those dates, equivalent to an increase of 86.1%; while deaths went from 17,686 to 18,935, an increase of 1,249 cases (7%).

Nurse María, with five years of experience, does not show optimism for the following weeks, since she considers that the population has relaxed the measures of the so-called Sana Distancia.

“There are many people who lowered their guard, they no longer wash their hands, they no longer use the mask or they bring the mask (badly put) and the nose out …”, he emphasized.

He recalled how dangerous Covid-19 is and what he faced during the months of April and May in the country.

“The first weeks were very ugly (…) the most dramatic thing was that literally, in turn, in the first months, about three or four (people) left (died) per turn, so imagine: three in the morning, three in the afternoon and three at night, a day there were like nine deceased patients ”.

For this reason, he reiterated how important it is to seek medical attention for the first symptoms of the virus since, he pointed out, a large number of deaths occurred “not because they were not given care, but because when they required us, and when they arrived, already they were very serious ”.

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