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We could not afford not to organize the festival this year / Article / LSM.lv

The organizers of the festival point out that it will be possible to comply with all restrictions on gatherings in the event area, but also invite visitors to comply with the distance requirements.

“Practically, this is a heavy metal festival for people who are interested in history and folklore, because to a greater or lesser extent each of these groups either has elements of folk music or the text has some connection with mythology or folklore,” explains Valdis, the organizer of the festival “Sword and Lemess”. Birch cord.

Among the artists of this year’s festival is the domestic group “Skyforger”, but despite the difficult travel situation, some foreign guests from Lithuania, Estonia and Finland will also perform.

The Austrian group “Harakiri For The Sky”, the Finnish atmospheric pagan artist Vermilia with the accompanying line-up, Estonia will be represented by ferrous metal artists “Thou Shell of Death” and “Bestia”, Lithuania – ambient/neofolk project “Veliu Namai”, folk rock group “Lietis” and folk metal group “Ūkanose”, while the diversity of the Latvian music scene will be confirmed by “Urskumug”, “Inokentijs Mārpls”, “Delve”, “Everlust”, “Ryvendir”, “Iron Wings” and the others.

Among the guests will be a group from Poland “Batushka”, described in the festival program as a group that blends majestically dark dark metal sounds with liturgical motifs of the Orthodox Church in their music.

The festival program will also be enriched by demonstrations of medieval battles, master classes of ancient crafts, as well as the opportunity to participate in live archeology experiments, medieval games and races.

“For a long time, both in Latvia and elsewhere in Europe, there are these historical archeology clubs that deal with ancient trades and try to reconstruct historical processes with ancient techniques. For example, trying to cast bronze, smelt metals according to ancient techniques and create jewelry as it was then, as well as make beer, weave, carve. You will be able to watch it all and also participate by putting your hand, ”says Bērzvads, noting that the organizational side of the festival has been especially difficult due to the Covid-19 crisis, losing the planned foreign groups. However, the team decided in favor of the festival this summer and visitors are invited to comply with epidemiological safety requirements.

“We could not afford not to organize this festival this year, because for a small festival it is quite traumatic to interrupt their annual sequence,” emphasizes Bērzvads.

“Of course, all those restrictions due to trade, as well as time, all concerts are allowed only until midnight. As well as distancing and disinfection measures – they are all quite complicated. We will be one of the first [festivāliem]who will enjoy on their skin how to work with the audience. Of course, there will be indications of different requirements everywhere and there will also be an audio roll on the distance, but for the most part it is in the hands of visitors to comply with it. We will do everything in our power to ensure order. “

In Latvia, the allowable number of visitors to a public event outdoors is currently 3,000, but the festival organizers estimate that it will not exceed two thousand. The festival of ethnic music and ancient crafts “Sword and Lemess” will take place from August 7 to 9 on the stage of Bauska castle mound.

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