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We celebrate three holidays today, take your pick – 2024-02-14 05:13:01

Trifon’s Day

Try holidays coincide on February 14 and everyone can choose which one of them prefers to celebrate.

The Orthodox Church celebrates the church holiday Dormition of Saint Cyril Slavo-Bulgarianthe old-style holiday of Saint Tryphon Zarezanknown as Vintner’s Day, as well as Valentine’s Day – St. Valentine.

Constantine the Philosopher, called Cyril,

He came from the family of the famous Thessaloniki Slavs – Leo and Maria. He studied at the Magnauri School in Constantinople. He finished his education with the nickname “philosopher” and was appointed patriarchal librarian and professor of philosophy.

Various commissions of a public nature were assigned to him.

Bored with the vanity of this world, Constantine escaped secretly to the monastery of Olympus in Asia Minor to his brother Methodius, where they created the Slavic alphabet and translated the holy books of the Orthodox Church into the language of the Salonica Bulgarians. Cyril died in Rome on February 14, 869 and was buried in the Church of St. Clement of Rome.

The Day of the Vintner – Tryphon Zarezan,

is dedicated to the labor and love of Bulgarians for the vine, grapes and wine. For the first time this holiday began to be officially celebrated in our country in 1962 on the day of the holy martyr Tryphon.

Then, by decree of the Council of Ministers, it was declared a professional holiday of the vintner. With the introduction of the Gregorian calendar by the Bulgarian Orthodox Church in 1968, the church holiday of Saint Tryphon Zarezan began to be celebrated on February 1, and the Day of the Vintner on February 14.

According to the Bulgarian custom

on the feast day, the peasants go out into the field and drop a few sticks, water the roots of the vine with wine and bless: “As many drops, as many grapes.”

The culmination of the celebration is the election of a “king of the vines” – usually some good farmer who is considered lucky so that during his “reign” abundant fruit will be born.

Valentine’s Day

Saint Valentine was born in Italy and was a Christian bishop. He lived during the time of the emperor Marcus Aurelius Claudius II. When the emperor forbade his soldiers to marry with the idea that if they did not have a family they would be more self-sacrificing in battle, the Christian soldiers were secretly married by Bishop Valentine.

Because of this, he was subsequently declared the protector of lovers.

He was beheaded in 270 for his steadfast faith in God, and very soon after that he was canonized.

The February 14 holiday, dedicated to Saint Valentine, began to be celebrated in the 14th century.

On this day, lovers express their love for each other by sending greeting cards and heart-shaped candies. Flowers are also usually given.

On this day, a name day is celebrated: Valentin, Valentina, Valjo, Valyu, Valya.

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