“We often talk about our revolutions and freedom struggles, and they often say that we are a nation of defeated freedom struggles. However, these holidays show that it is not!” – declared Bence Rétvári, the parliamentary state secretary of the Ministry of the Interior, on Friday in Vácduka at the commemoration organized in honor of the ’56 revolution and freedom struggle.
“Maybe in the fall of 1849 our revolution and freedom struggle of ’48 were defeated, maybe in November 1956 Soviet tanks and the communists suppressed the revolution of the guys from Pest, but in the long run the youth of March and the guys from Pest won, because today we remember them, let’s celebrate, they are on the positive side of history,” said the region’s Fidesz-KDNP parliamentarian.
He pointed out that October 23 and March 15 are also important because we celebrate those who did not compromise, but stood up and fought for Hungarian freedom, because they are our role models. As he put it: “If they were beaten, even if they were executed, even if they were imprisoned, even then.”
He continued: “Lots of tragedies and lots of heroics. There are plenty of examples ahead of us. About people who stood up for Hungarian freedom even when they were teenagers, and unfortunately many of them paid for it with their lives. We remember them, we celebrate them, they are our role models, and we thank them because without them we could not have achieved their freedom. We, my generation, are certainly lucky, but my grandparents’ generation was not, they also lived in the World War, they also lived in ’56. Many still had to earn their freedom there. There were those who succeeded, there were those who didn’t. The generation of the regime change succeeded,” he underlined.
Nothing can be more important than the interests of the Hungarians and the freedom of the Hungarians, but no one should think that this goes without conflicts. Nothing in life is free. Free cheese is only in the mousetrap, but we don’t want to get in there. Everything costs effort, protecting freedom also costs us. That is why it is important to set the guys from Pest as role models – concluded Bence Rétvári.
At the event, László Makkos, the mayor of Vácduka, gave a welcome address, who emotionally reminded the audience of the revolutionary days that took place 67 years ago, which ended in a national tragedy.
The large hall of the cultural center was filled with the commemorators, who celebrated the 7th-grade students of the Benedek Elek Primary School in Vácduka with a standing ovation that lasted for many minutes, who brought the shocking events of the historic days to the stage with deep experience.
Source: 0627.hu/Dunakanyar Region
Photo: KesziPress